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Posts posted by Chri5

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/BEHRINGER-CX2310-2-Way...1QQcmdZViewItem

    This shall float your boat. You will be able to cross over your mid/high speakers to remove bass and increase headroom, while using the woofer out crossed nice and low to fill out your low frequencies and get rid of that HF 'beaming' you hear when running higher frequencies through a woofer.



    Micky Thank you very much for your time, i will have a look into the specs!

  2. Ok i have an old skool setup!

    1980Pioneer SA-540 amplifier running a pair of Pure Sat 4 speakers.

    I have also a Pioneer 1979 SA-520 with is a two channel amp but has a subsonic filter on it 15hz!

    i want to run my JBL GT3 in a low tuned 20hz box for movies so my question is because the Amp im using is full range i need to cross out the top end as my Sub son will allow me to play low.

    Now bearing in mind the sub is 4 ohm and the Pioneer is 6 ohm min BUT ive run my Pures from it for over a year and there 4 ohm a pair of speakers!

    Could sombody point me in the x over direction please, looking to have 50hz and below so wanna chop anything above 50-80hz out


  3. Im gunna try and get my 150db @20hz louder.

    Im tuned at 25hz so im gunna try and reduce Port area correct so i can wang the Subs at full tilt at 20hz.

    Cant quite turn the volume up all the way at 20 but reduced area will allow me so!


    Our cars are tuny, this is my other halfes car and it does 136.6 db at 33 hz from a Ten lOl



    This is our Johns 8 12;s



    This is all the space we have to work with and this is a average sized family car a Vauxall astra!


    mine all complete and still have a little bit of boot space as 25cuft takes up the whole car!


    batts in front and in box


  4. Try www.streetbassers.co.uk/forum


    It is a diff format guys!

    Well Happy tho!

    It all started wth you Americans that Is where it all started over here!

    Thanks to you guys!!!!!!!!!

    Mty mate i built a system for he has 8x 12 inch gt4 JBL's and only 2k and he is going 149.2

    Low tuning is musical and Hits hard id you tune there!

    Not omly that is that our cars arnt built as good as yours lol! so 25hz and 5k kills them !

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