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Posts posted by bigben210tx

  1. welcome to the new unfree america

    anyone ever hear about how the NAU is gonna decimate the mexican and canadian border and turn north america into one big country

    oh and were all gonna have to have ids with special gps tracking devices in them

    dont believe me


    fuck the dea

    fuck the goverment

    fuck all the rich ass politicians taking away our rights

    fuck bush

    fuck cheney

    this country is turning to shit

    and we need RON PAUL BABY!!!

  2. VerY nice sub. but 1299$. LOL. i could get Bad Ass subs AND an amp for that price. AND wiring. AND install. lol @ that price. but deff would love to own that sub. i couldnt see myself paying over like 500-600 for it tho.

    well your in luck then because i know of a few dealers who sell them for around that price

    if you buy one of these for over 700-800 then you got ripped off

    i think shon over at ROE sells the 12 for around 650 iirc

  3. LAWL at this thread

    first of all i hope you dont plan on running those 2 t20001s with the 5 t40001s cause thats not gonna work

    and someone said 3 btls would smoke a jackhammer

    LOL one btl will smoke a jackhammer

    jackhammers suck and its a proven fact

    no one has ever broke a 50 with a jackhammer and theres a few ppl that have built full out spl systems with them

    i say since it seems like you have a unlimited account and a tahoe do this..

    4 18in TC Sounds LMS-5400 or 4 RE audio 18in 06' XXXs

    4 Zapco C2K-4KW (4000rms) one of the best amps money can buy

    6-8 kinetik hc2400s

    3 300a ohio gen alts

    4 sets of RE Audio XXX6.5 comps

    2 Zapco DC1000.4

    shit loads of second skin damplifier pro and spectrum sludge

    kicker hyperflex 1/0 wiring and wiring accessories

    ^^this system would kill whatever you had planned before and sound amazing

    because the t40001bd amp are $2,500 and im not paying the much just for my mids. that why i order 2 t20001bd. and i got a good deal on them

    no there not

    there around 1400 from sonicelectronix.com

    please tell me you havent bought anything yet

    if so you just wasted a shit load of money

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