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Everything posted by FiBTLforlife

  1. yeah i know what u mean on not excluding the subwoofer but i know how i played it and having the sub for 6months, ive never over powered or distorted it at anypoint. sub was in 100%condition when it left me and i could of played it for another 6months if i needed to. the amp is on his floor board in the front so its not on any metal or getting to much vibration. hes a little confused on the settings on the amp so i know that something is off a little with that. i just dont want thim to mess up the sub, then say i sold him a bad woofer and want his money back or something like that.
  2. its not me, but just a guy i sold my woofer to. hes still learning he got a hifonics amp that stable at 1ohm so hes running it 1000rms @1ohh. pretty much wired like i used to have it. its not the amp bc it dont go in protection, not the ohm, not the fuse. the amp and sub is hooked up correctly, all i have to go by is he has the box at 17hz bc he messed up, i told him to stop playing it so he dont mess anything up
  3. ok i just sold my Fibl12'' subwoofer to a guy and he has my same truck and everything as me. well he calls me telling me that when he turns up the volume to high, the sub starts to cut in and out type thing. i ask him is the amp cutting off and he said no its the woofer. these are the questions that ive asked and im trying to come up with a problem area. ******his box is tuned to 17hz************* just with the box at 17hz makes it pretty obvious it is the box not the subwoofer. i walked him through the amp wireing, fuse from batt to amp, sub wiring, ohm load wiring, gain controle, subsonic filiter (goes down to 15hz so i told him to try 18hz subsonic and he said it sounded better but still does it just not as bad. (he had it set to 50hz subsonic ) my guess is that its the box and nothing else because nobody has a box at 17hz. **********he also brung it to a audio shop in his town and they told him the the sub as on its last leg and if he wanted he could trake the subwoofer in for a new one of there subwoofer in the shop. they was pretty much trying to rip him off bc the subwoofer is in 100% working order and i would never sell a broken or worn out subwoofer to someone. so i dont want him to think i sold him a bad woofer...any responces to this would be great. thanks everything that is said in response to me, will be show to him
  4. here are two updated vids i have of my system....first one is flex, second one is hair trick....... http://youtube.com/watch?v=1lQ7kUlWN_I
  5. for a single cab it kills. surprises just about everyone when they here it...good flex, sound, bass, and air movement through cab...check out my vids i have of it on youtube and leave comment......just put in mikehonda23
  6. im the owner of this old amp...where is teh tie-down bar at on the amp..thanks mike
  7. the middle seat goes back all the way its jus the box is leaning on it in the pic...yeah i wanted to slope the box but decide the wait and just be simple...it is 2.5cuft tuned to 32hz......all in all the driver seat side of the box is 9'' in total depth on the outside and passender is 8'' total depth on the outside...just subtract 1 1/2'' and that would be the internal depth for both......middle is 6'' on ouside and minus 1 1/2'' for internal depth
  8. This is the last of the pics with the back piece back on in the cab. Next thing to do is carpet but that will come later....leave me feedback on how i did on my build..
  9. hahahaha..yeah my dad came outside and said what the hell....i cant drive this truck...i said its my truck dont worry about it....its not as bad as you may think but yes teh seat is up a good ways and it is hella loud also...got multiple vids on youtube...type in mikehonda23....look at all my Fi vids
  10. truck is a lil messy in some of the pics but this is my newest system that i built for my single cab GMC Sierra truck. Fi Bl12'' sub powered by a memphis class d amp with 1000RMS going to the sub. box will be carpeted later but as for now i just wanted to get the box in my truck and going....let me know what u think.....mike
  11. lol X3 .......that why i got rid of the things.....i didnt like them...they were ok but u couldnt even hear them when u got out of the truck 30ft....now the the Fi it so great and hits so much lower then them shallows...live u learn
  12. i have a memphis amp and if the head unit isnt on then the amp dont come on......and if the remote wire is not hooked up the the amp and the truck is running the amp dont come on....so the best thing for you to do is check your remote wire and see if it has come loose somewhere....if you got everything else hooded up right it most likely your romote wire
  13. i had four shallow pioneer subs in my truck powered by a memphis class d amp. each sub was getting about 250RMS a sub.....i got the new Fi BL12'' sub and installed it in a 2.5cuft box ported to 32hz getting 1000RMS and hits way harder than the four subs in a sealed box.....everyone i know that hurd the shallows and then hurd the Fi single 12'' was shocked....it is two times louder no doubt....drops so low and clean.................so i would go with good quality subs over alot of cheap subs IMO......you will be happy in the end
  14. yeah man i know ive been told the same thing. had the manual with the headunit and looked through it...says it puts out 2v output so not very high....unlike others that put ou4 or even 6v output...so i do tend to have the gain a lil higher than usual....doesnt seem to mess with the amp any, takes it just fine.....i love my new Fi sub....will you notic a big diff if i upgrade from stock elc????? would it be small or very noticeable diff??????thanks mike
  15. lets plan a robbery......and to to the member that gave props to semmes. i went to MGM my whole high school 9-12.....small world.........i fixed the prob by the way i did do the volt meter but put it a lil higher and works great
  16. well when i do that it is not as loud...but i did do a 60hz test tone and it sounded alot better..still not as loud as bf but getting closer....seems that the higher the hz the more i move the gain on the amp to get it to read the 33.17 v output
  17. its a gmc sierra truck single cab 1999.....yeah the amp and sub seemed to do fine and ive even had it full out for a whole song and no burning or smelling at all
  18. i just installed my new Fi Bl 12'' sub and have it hooked to a memphis class D 1100RMS amp. well i did the gain my ear until i could put a meter to it and once i got the meter to it i saw that it was putting out around 45v were it should be around 33.17 for 1000RMS at 1ohm....so i set the amp to 33.17v output and turned it up and it sounded like an 8'' sub.....no loud at all. bf it was shaking everything, flex out of the world.....im also running 12g wire to it, i know its to small and i got to get 10g but will this make that big of a diff...if i get 10g wire will it fix the prob of the sub not being so loud/??????/ thanks mike
  19. have you owned an Fi? if not then you just dont know what they are capable of. one sub can do so much compared to other brands and the price on them is so low its almost seems like a scam.....im a firm believer in Fi after buying on..this sub is amazing
  20. this should change your friends mind. i had four 12'' shallow pioneer subs in my truck and got rid of them and got the Fi Bl12'' sub....put it in a ported box and its twice as loud as the four....if you need some help go to youtube and look at my Fi vids ive posted....type in mikehonda23........all my vids will pop up, just click on the fi vis
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