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Posts posted by DUBIE

  1. here is a new video of the setup i have right now.(2 amps).(1)dual 600 watt amp 4channel wired to mids and highs also to the "12" mtx 4500).yes i know i have a dual amp.lol..i had that amp for 1-2 years now and havent had with any problems with it..it actually bumps.not that loud but alright...and (1)crunch pzi250.2 1,000 watts wired to nothing yet) just hooked up the crunch pzi250.2 like couple months ago...just waiting to get new woofas to wire them up to the crunch amp...the video is kinda short because neighbors were outside right after i started recording like 1 min later...hope you enjoy my vid and thanks for watching..!..

    sorry for what i was saying..i was hella bord...!..lol

    EDIT: the camera that i recorded this video with is the one im selling...great sound quality!..and you could tell in the video..lol....so anyone interested hit me up...

    soon ill make another video just bumping some good bass songs..!.


  2. shit..sunday afternoon my couzin bought some weights...so we started lifting weights...he said he was stronger than me..so then me being a dumbass went all crazy lifting more than 30lbs on each hand...well me you know im kinda skinny kinda fat..in the middle...then monday morning when i wake up for school ARMS hurt alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

    lifting weights with cousin competiting whos stronger FUCK THAT...

    since monday my arms still hurt...i cant even move them..UGH!!!

  3. i hate it when i turn it passed like 28vol it beats to hard an makes it start skipping

    really?..the one i have have i could turn it up full volume 0-35 and dont get skipping..hahaha..maybe because i just have 1 12 mtx 4500 for right now...hopefully soon this week or next if i get some new woofas and a good ported box lets see if that happens to me...lol

  4. ^^ no, any knob you buy that runs thru rca cords will take whatever your amp does at full tilt, and turn it down.

    There will be no gain, all they are is a way to controle the volume as if you where using the subwoofer preout feature on the headunit.

    I personally wouldnt trust any sort of knob that has freq control that runs thru the rca's.

    I also used a pherpiheral prc -1 for about 2 years until the knob wore out, got massive static sounds when turning the knob. It also turned really hard in cold weather.

    You will not get a REAL remote bass knob for any amp unless the amp was made for a remote by the factory.

    All these other knobs will just reduce your headunits preamp output voltage from full to none.

    so is better if i get an amp that comes with a bass knob?...i guess ima have to do that...thanks for all the help

  5. here i have digital camera its a HP Photosmart M425....its in 9/10 condition everything works great...it has a charger or if you dont wanna use battery(s) just use the plug that comes from the camera....takes good quality pics and videos...also it has a SD card slot...

    it comes with charger, usb cable...

    im asking $90 shipped or make me a good deal......i know the price is kinda high but out in stores they like $100+....if i cant sell it at this price i might lower it down a lil bit..





    here are some vids i took couple months ago...it picks up the bass 100%...it doesnt distort it at all...



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