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Posts posted by bassboobs

  1. Hay everyone i just recently got a used 91 toyota camry and im wanting to put in 4 12's, there is ketches tho... My backseat folds down and i would love too have at least two of those subs up there with me but i also want to be able to put the seat back up when im halling passengers. Being able too only have two up front i will also have to have two facing the trunk lid, but the thing is i want the port to be up front that way all the air flow will go buy me...:) And should i just build one box and have two subs on the front and two subs on the back with one port or should i just build two seperate boxes and deal with only having one of the ports up front????

    Honestly guys i dont have much experiance with building boxes but im going to give it a shot....

    I just need help but a wall is not questionable....

    any help would be ausome!!!! and the measurements behind by seat is 14" tall, 32" wide, and i can go as deep as i desire......

    thx in advance..

  2. lol sry man im not lookin to get no sonys, but if you guys are willing to trade some fi's or something then show me pics and some specs... but every time i turn on the xbox it makes this weird growling sound and when i turn it off and back on it goes away....i took it to bestbuy and this guy said it was just cold..... so ok w/e but im cleaning all up and getting all the dust out and memory cleared and see what happens...

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