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Everything posted by hoppinAltima

  1. Is it me or can you not see anything out the windshield at night?? I am planning on getting mine done soon. but I still want to see at night so i play on doing like 50% or something? With tint that dark on the Windshield are you gonna be able to see at night?
  2. it might be repetitive but its still addicting as hell (ironic).. once u start u cant stop for days..
  3. i was thinking along the line of subs back and port up. would that be louder than subs and port back? or is it not going to make much of a difference
  4. well if im doing it in a car.. and running 3 12"s which would be the best. I also dont have any husmat or anything in the trunk. and when said port and subs back, is the back as in towards the trunk or towards the cabin?
  5. I was wondering if where the port is directing if it affects the sound level. Is it better to have the port up or facing the same way as the subs?
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