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Posts posted by Moti

  1. Nice selection on the brand and video cards. Personally I don't think you should try to overclock the videocards they are fast as is. An you will see an unbelievable performance jump from the 8800 GTX's. I think you should invest into getting a core i7 and an X58 mobo. SSD's are the fastest storage solutions, but they aren't necessary. I personally would only jump into SSD's when windows 7 comes out and they work out all of those bugs. A velociraptor raid 0 setup and a tb drive for storage would suffice.

  2. Yeah Core I7 is nice...But that configuration you have is decent but not the best.

    I am really amused by people who configure and put together pc's with the most expensive parts, which sometimes is unnecessary.

    No one really needs that unless you run 3DSMAX and do some crazy shit and play crysis @ 2560 x 1600 4aa 32bit.

    Guess what?

    It will probably be slow as shit compared to what will be out in the next business quarter.

    It truly depends on what you do. An I guarantee that pc will be more than enough for any of us. An even the one i am listing below.

    Generally I would just suggest:

    A 4870X2 2GB GDDR5 card

    Core i7 920

    6gb DDR3 (3X2)

    Silverstone or Corsair or PCP PSU

    2x Veloci Raptor (Raid 0)

    1 TB drive 32mb cache

    Blu-ray/DVD-RW LS combo drive (No need for a burner only if you're going to make some 1080p blu-rays)

    x58 mobo (asus or gigabyte)

    Silverstone, Antec, or Lian-Li for the case

  3. I have the RF shallow 12 inch sub. Just one and its decent. It doesn't get loud, but mines only sealed. Personally it lacks on clarity and 'depth' of the sound at times. The lows are muddy.

    But IDK, i think you really need about two shallow woofers, to get a decent amount of good sounding bass. I would only recommend the RF, if you can try to squeeze in two. IMO i think 2-3 8 inch subs will be better than a shallow woofer.

    The JL does look nice but I haven't really heard it or have seen any reviews.

    If I get a new truck I am thinking about squeezing in 4-6 8's. Or some JL's.

    The Jl's seem like they are designed a lot better and they have a higher rms.

  4. You really should of got a 45nm processor. The only reason the 780i and 790i were brought into the market is to have support for intel's 45nm parts.

    Anyways nice build, but ddr3 is a waste on socket 775. The memory controller is the limiting factor on socket 775, and that is why DDR3 is properly used on the nehalem architecture.

  5. Very nice car... why wouldn't you want it?

    The price actually depends on the dealer. The base price i think is 70k. I have seen dealers jack the price up 100k plus..because of the limited availability of them.

    But yeah a v6 twin turnb making 480 horsepower is nuts!!! I have seen some dynos of the GTR putting out 500 plus hp.

    An about the transmission deal, you don't need to 'launch' the car. Launching is kind of pointless, you're not a professional racer. If you're trying to compete in a straight line test, you should have got something else. Say a ZR1? The GTR is just a fast 'track car'.

  6. I say 2 fully loaded Fi 15 or 18 ssd's. If you make the box correctly, it will most likely be louder than your friends setups. If you get some fully loaded SSD's, they will most likely handle extra power in the future, maybe around 1000ish. Just don't make the box at minimum volume, make it a little bigger, and it should be perfect, it will be more efficient and louder, since you don't have mounds of power to dump onto them.

  7. Uh really... i was trying to say that. People import them. Since they legally sell unlocked iphones in china. An if you import one or buy one from ebay, you will still have a warranty, since it wasn't tampered or jailbroken. But if you buy one here and do that, then that happens. Thats what I was trying to say. Why don't you go do your homework.

    My point was look at the price: http://cgi.ebay.com/iPhone-3G-16GB-Black-W...id=p3286.c0.m14

    Some people may sell unlocked ones cheaper

  8. No unlocked iPhones are avaibable in the USA. If you were to hack it, it would void everything and you're most likely gonna get it bricked. An the only service provider you could possibly use in the USA is tmobile, cuz they have the same type of network. You could import one from china, because they currently sell it unlocked there, but with currency exchange and all of that you're going to be paying 600-700. The reason the iPhone is so cheap now, is because apple/AT&T are getting that lost money back through their service. If people haven't noticed, the service is more expensive than the orgional iPhone. Currently i am using the origional iPhone, I wanted to buy a 3G, but now I am looking at other smart phones. Such as Blackberry Bold, HTC Diamond/Touch, Tmobile/HTC Android.

  9. Well I have a few friends in the computer business. An personally once I am older, I would like to become a part of it. Anyways I've also heard that amd is saying it has a 20 percent performance gain over their current stuff, and they're going to be shipping them with higher clocks this time. In the 2.6 - 3.0ghz range. Also they're going have more cache and hopefully that can help them media guys. But I am not sure if they can catch up from a business point of view, intel raped them with 65nm, so they took the whole market out and amd kept on having issues with putting out their 65nm parts. But once they got out barcelona, after a few steppings, it was as fast as intel's offering in the 65nm range. But then intel quickly put out a true quad core and their 45nm stuff, not two dual cores on one die, because they had made so much profit they could easily research and design quicker now. But anyways now intel is trying to copy amd's deal on the memory controller and make it onboard on the CPU, which is supposedly coming out december/january. Well if they can't get it working smoothly, then there might be a chance for AMD to catch up, because this is a new design in the CPU area for Intel and AMD has already had this technology refined for ages. This is the same technology that made everybody crazy for those Athlon's and Opterons. But anyways AMD's 45nm Server processors are rolling out this month hopefully, and then their consumer equipment will roll out. WHY? Well they don't want to loose any market shares on server processors, because thats currently how they're holding up against intel, but if Intel gets that working in Nehalem, AMD is going to be in more deep shit. The reason companies use AMD server procs is because of their crazy memory bandwidth. AMD's stuff is going to be called Shanghai, well at least that is its codename, and with that 20 percent increase, hopefully it will put AMD on Intel's radar.

  10. Mr. Meade it would help if by posting the rest of your rigs specs. Certain motherboards are iffy w/ oc'n. From experience, you may need to up NB voltage here and there, and make sure your ram is on the proper settings. A lot of computer companies don't even care, they just pop their stuff in and don't put it on it's optimal settings. Even some custom manufactures. You can easily hit 3.2ish on stock voltage with that processor. An flash your bios to the latest one.

    For instance I was reading a review on a HP Blackbird, and they realized that hp left it at auto detect settings, while it had better optimal timings. XMP, etc.

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