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Posts posted by sebXC

  1. wel today at 11:17 my father passed away after battling cancer. he was diagnosed with it in september it was in his next. well last monday he was having trouble breathing and then wednesday he had trouble seeing. well he got a CT of his head abdomen and pelvis, well it showed that he had a tumor in his brain and he had up to 30 tumors in his liver and small spots of cancer in his lungs. the doctor said that it was terminal. being 17 this hit me really hard thinking about loosing my role model and father. he died in my arms and i was so glad that i was able to be with him. i know that he is in a better place now and not in pain. i just needed to get that out and talk about it so thanks in advance for your kind words in my time of hardship.

    Rest In Peace, Terry Reisch

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