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Posts posted by sebXC

  1. i dont see where it would hurt anything, other than look out the norm (not chrome) and as long as it did not get close to something really hot. go for it, i say think of it like this , you see the ricer intakes and look into one, they do not have rifleing (lines) inside the tube to "mix" or create a vortex with the moveing air so pvc would do exactly the same thing as they are

    well i do have a ricer so i think i might do this does wal-mart sell pvc pipe?

  2. Well I just ran a race today with my dad in mind and i got 6th out of a couple hundred and our team won but just knowing that my dad was at home in pain really hurt but when i got home i told him all about it. It helps get his mind of the pain he starts kemo tomorrow and radiation hes not doing to good right now but its still early.

    Thanks for all your support Sebastian Reisch

  3. Well for the past month my Dad has had this tumor on his neck and last week he went to go have it checked out.(like any smart person would do) When he got to the doctors office in Ann Arbor they did a whole bunch of test to figure out if it was cancer and if it was what kind. Well friday they concluded that it was cancer but it wasnt in his sensory glands like they thought it might have been. Its a small amount on the back of his throat. So monday we get a call from the doctor and said that he want to meet with him to discuss the procedure. Well my dad now has to go to kemo therapy for the next 8 weeks monday thru friday. so now not only is he in pain from his neck but he has to go to Ann Arbor every day for the next 8 weeks(which is an 1 1/2 there) and just to rub salt in the wound my dad cant go and watch my cross country meets on saturdays( which he loves doing taking pictures and this year our team has a chance to win state were ranked #1 in the state for D3). It sucks to see my dad so miserable and i cant imagine the pain hes going thru right now and i cant even go with him because of school and cross this has to be the worst year of my life.

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