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Posts posted by odsound

  1. So Im doing a show. the location is still up in the air, we are currently looking out in moreno valley area for a location. We should have it locked in by today.

    Any suggestions on locations is welcomed. I'm just going to try to get this dry period over with! I know we cant all wait until june 29th.

    It may be the 30th of may, OR june 6th. i will keep you guys posted!

    saweet!! my car should be done by then :yahoo: keep me posted braedon!!

  2. yes it will rise again, and hopefully there will be another location for finals closer to us. lol. I think this sunday both shows north and south put together we will have about 50 cars. its going to be good!!

    hope the show has a good outcome i will be there for sure sporting my new team dc shirt tnx to rusty!! :8) but i do have to practice some songs for bass race i have no clue on what to use.

    braedon cant wait to see what type of surprise you have for us that day!!

  3. head unit= i would have to say pioneer for me i have not had any problems with them!

    speaker= since im on a budget.... so far i have only bought digital audio components and so far so good!

    amps=power acoustik is always good for my budget i like my a3000db it packs some power

    subs=DC all the way i had a type r and after one song you can already smell it but with the lv3 i was able to turn it up louder and it still kept its cool and the sound quality was way better!and cant forget about rusty's customer service!! :yahoo:

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