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Posts posted by tommyk90

  1. wow it was set up differnt here again its like that now but in the pass we would reset then be asked when we were ready to go again and start would have to be pushed again only after what happend at finals that started

    Come to think of it, I think the automatic thing happened after the 2nd tie in a row. Honestly, I'm not really sure.

    Either way though, we still only had 30 seconds to get ready.

  2. thats not your fualt that is the judges fault. he can stop the program. if he said you have 5 minutes he should have gave him to you. from what i hear there is a problem with a judge out there. i am not trying to start shit. i just want to understand what all is going on.

    btw. i misinterpreted (sp) what his underlined meaning was. forget i posted here.

    Actually, with the way bassrace is set up on the termlab, after a tie the computer counts down automatically and cannot be stopped.

    This happened at indy finals quite a few times.

  3. At every show I've been to (including finals for the past 4 years), there has never been 5 minutes to recharge. It was always 30 seconds.

    Doesn't your setup have a PA system that announces "ready, set, go"?

    Sounds like the judges really don't have things under control out there.

  4. Yup, it's that time again! Original topic is over on ca.com but I figured i'd toss it on here too

    September 28th (this sunday) we are having another car audio meet.

    This time it's at Sound Decision in montgomery, IL.

    Starting time is 10 a.m.

    This is also a car/bike show.

    Here's the whole address

    Sound Decision Inc.

    1470 Douglas Road

    Montgomery, IL 60538

    There will be metering going on, so come out and see what your car can do!

  5. don't be a yuppie that buys callaway? :o

    srsly, lets be realistic here, look at golf the same way you do car audio -- you don't need the biggest, baddest whatever to do the job. You can get what some would call a shitty sub (the type r) to do some nice things, right? using the same car audio analogy -- i'm not talking about brand name everything and dumping $2000 on a denon deck with $10,000 worth of Kimber Kable rca's that don't even include ends. I'm talking the "denford", RF's immitation denon deck that does the exact same thing for 1/4th of the price.

    a decent deck will run you in the $500 range......used. You're seriously saying $500 can't get you a "decent" set of used clubs on craigslist?

    $1 says if you were looking to dump your $1500 (retail) set of clubs on craigslist....you'd be happy taking $500 for it. :)

    Like I said before, it depends on how serious you take the sport.

    If you're serious about golf, you need serious equipment. Just like in car audio. :)

    But you are correct, you could get a halfway decent set of clubs (used) for $500. It won't be the newest or nicest stuff out there, but it'll be better than the crap that most people use. :)

    And there's no way in hell I would sell all my clubs for $500. A USED set of the irons I have still go for $300+. :)


    Regardless, golf is just as expensive as audio for some of us. :D

  6. and shipping your car to Europe finals for a weekend would be cheaper..?

    a decent deck will cost more than a decent set of clubs.

    local 1x event = $45 for bassrace and dbdrag.

    round of golf locally = $30.............with a cart.

    both of them keeping you occupied for a day.

    so much for picking those nits.

    What kind of shit ass clubs are you buying? Even the cheapest set of name brand IRONS will cost you $400. And that's just for the irons; no driver or fairway woods or anything.

    Going off normal prices I have ~$1500 in my set of clubs. Obviously I didn't pay that much since I work in a golf store, but any other joe schmo out there who wanted a similar set would be paying $1500. And that doesn't include my bag, gloves, tees, golf balls (which can cost upwards of $45 a dozen), or anything else.

    Now if you're going for the cheap crap, then yeah you can get a whole set of everything for $300. I guess it just depends on how serious you take the sport. :)

  7. My golf clubs cost more than my entire stereo. :fyi:

    Sure, I guess most people could get away with playing some shitty clubs they got for $20 from a garage sale, but not if you're halfway serious about playing.

    Plus theres the cost of driving to the course and greens fees. Luckily I work at a golf store and get to play some courses for free. :)

  8. Everyone has type-r's because they are the loudest subs for the money, bar none. :)

    I'd like to take credit for the type-r boner, but it was a team effort. :)

    We started using them in 2005, had great success with them, and it kind of grew from there. People were amazed by the numbers we could do with them, and were curious. Frankly, I still think they are great subs, especially for the money.

  9. Just a warning, single cab trucks suck sealed up on the dash. :(

    However, I did get an L7 8" to do a 148.3 in the kick and a 147 at the headrest in my regular cab s-10. :)

    139.8 in bassrace, so a 141ish on the dash sealed up.

    The 9510 has done a 144 on the dash, 151.2 in the kick, and a 150.4 at the headrest.

    No cutting through, but it is a larger than daily type box. :) I'm sure with the right design and enough time I could get close to a 150 with a daily driver box.



    Sorry, no pics of the single 10" box. :)

  10. Much respect given but you still use mathematical formulas to calculate box volume and tuning frequencies, why, cuz a little math wouldn't hurt. ^_^

    I sure do, but those formulas don't try to tell me how loud I'll be. :)

    And btw, I don't use one to figure out my tuning frequency for competition boxes. I just slap different port lengths in until its loud. Aeroports ftw.

    But for daily driver boxes, absolutely. Everyone loves a little math when it is practical to do so. :)

  11. 10 cups on each side, but we did 2 reracks.

    For first shots, we do bounces. Winner of the previous game goes first. If it's first game, rock paper scissors for first. If the winner makes the bounce, the opposing team has a chance to rebuttle. If they make the bounce, first team goes again. Whoever makes the bounce first with the other team missing wins the faceoff.

    Bounces are allowed, but can be swatted. Make a bounce and two cups need to be pulled.

    Bitches blow only.

    Elbow cannot go past the edge of the table.

    We also play cup of death (i.e. making it in the cup the person is drinking. It encourages you to drink faster. :))

    If one team makes all the cups and the opposing team still has a cup in the back row, then the opposing team has to drink all the beer from both sides and streak, though streaking wasn't very common most of the time (there were a few exceptions though ;))

    If you overshoot the table, then you have to pull one of your cups.

    There were also some random rules that we had to make it interesting.

    For instance, if you call a cup and make it then they have to pull two cups.

    I'm sure there was other stuff we came up with, but I forgot most of them.

    We actually saved up a ton of cans from our first semester of senior year and I started building a table out of it, but lost the motivation to finish it. :( Ended up scrapping the cans and buying a keg with the money. :D

    Posted Image

  12. But, you have to realize that the testing that he did his mathmatical speculations were not in a vehicle. It was based on how woofers are tested at 1w/m. Even if it was a theory, it was one man's attempt to help another from possibly making costly mistakes, as in constantly rebuilding setups.

    The reason why Alan Dante and other competitors have hit higher than their calculated output is because:

    1. the calculated output is a minimum of what the spl would be at 1 meter, based on how that particular woofer is tested

    2. his system is efficient, meaning he is getting all the output that the amp is sending to the woofer, this is based on the spl based on the amp's wattage

    3. like the other chart that Chris Lewis included that had competitor like Alma Gates that have managed to hit well over their calculated output, due to CABIN MODIFICATIONS, AS WELL AS A REDUCTION IN CABIN VOLUME, so that there's less air to compress yielding a higher spl. You would have caught this if you were reading the rest of the article.

    Since Alan hit 180.1....

    180.1-116.6= 63.5 dbw well over the 116.6 efficiency mark, just like the other competitors in the last chart. This states that you can achieve higher results by doing modifications to the vehicle when you've reached the limit of the amp as well as the subwoofer's output. Try the chart with a regular (non extreme) competitor and see what you get.

    Oh, and for those of you that may not like it when I post a chart, or anything at all, and feel like that have to get on my case, do me as well as any other person that may take interest in my topics a favor, go elsewhere. There are plenty of topics for you to check out besides mine. <_<

    Those competitors in the last chart are NOWHERE near the "efficiency mark" of today's competitors. Not only are the scores of today 10-15 dB higher than those of the chart, those scores are on the old decibel meters. Those cars today would probably be 5-10 dB quieter on the termlab.

    Even stock cabin cars are way above that number.

    Take the panda for instance. These guys are doing 156+ with ~7000 watts on TODAY'S meters. Their scores on the meters back then would likely come close to breaking a 160. But doing lewis' calculations would only put them at ~154 on the OLD mics (which are 5 dB louder than todays, sometimes more). Like I said before, it's just a big waste of time to be doing all the math.

    And I'll be honest, the formula actually came very close to the score in my truck, but the same equipment in a trunk car would likely be at least 5 dB quieter than I was simply because of the car itself.

    Theorys are all fine and dandy on paper, but 9 times out of 10 serve no purpose in the real world. That's why they are theories and not fact. Constantly rebuilding setups is part of SPL competition. The loudest people in the world are the ones that build and test the most, not the ones who try to apply mathematical theories.

  13. Why make such a comment like that? Do you see me harassing you about your threads? No, so let it go.

    I'm a jerk.

    And, if you can't take a hint, nobody gives a damn about these numbers. The severe lack of replies should tell you that.

    In all seriousness, there's no reason to even bother wasting time trying to figure out some mathematical formula.

    For some cars it may be close, and for others it could be drastically off. That's all part of the SPL game. Instead of trying to figure out equations you should spend time building and testing to see what works and what doesn't. :)

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