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Posts posted by ineeDBass419

  1. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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    good songs imma tell is one of favs

  2. WTF!!

    You would be stupid not to take that deal!

    Is it stolen?

    I'll give you 300 to ship it to me ;)

    if its tha same one i AM gettin it.....i dont think its stolen i guess he has had it for a while now

    i cant get rid of it already i gots to play with it first lol

  3. Hell ya they're good amps. And YES, They ARE strapable

    The guy that owned the amps before me had them at .33 ohms, 18v doing over 8kwrms EACH (he had 3, I just got 2)

    shit yea. im gunna go look at it tomorrow make sure everything is good with it and ill proly get it.... hopefully its tha same one on amp guts...

  4. which -fusion 4000-----if its the old one the-fca-4000d it is a monster of a amp---but i think it mite be the newer one and no realy that good at all--it mite do--1500rms

    im not sure if its old or new...but he said that its about 3 feet long and has 0 gauge inputs

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