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Posts posted by Rogers

  1. im pretty sure the resale value wasnt as high as his personal obsession with it. Rogers been fighting this thing off for quite a while. He aint no quitter. Hope you got a pick and pull close by

    You sir hit the nail right on the head... lets just say this saturn was worth $2,600 when i hit the deer... thats more than enough to rebuild a $700 car that is unique as ive made this one... plus its got a ridiculous system built in it and it has 2 days of run time on the new motor..lol


    pullin the header pannel back out to where its supposed to be.. its boogered up a little but it will do...


  2. I'm looking for some shorter lengths of decent 1/0 to go from my back battery to my amps... id say I need like 4 pieces between 3-4 feet long.. 2 positive color and 2 negative color... no cca... the wires will be feeding into 2 AP3k's.... I've got about 40 bucks sitting in paypal so let me know what you have and let's work something out

  3. first we will start off with my AQ2200d... great amp, ive had it for about a year now... the feet on the left side have been cut open so that a screw would slide into to foot because i didnt have enough room to put screws in with the amp in the way... and it also has some nics on the top all in the same spot from my trunk latch when i had it in a temporary install... other than that its still looks great... used but great... it comes with the AQ bass knob with clip light, but no cable... im asking $265 shipped

    ill be adding pics momentarily from my droid since for some reason my computer wont let me get on photophuckit..lol

  4. what did you do about the inside of the port? idk if i like the idea of the cardboard inside, i would resin it atleast or something, thats just me though, other than that, it looks great!

    ahh you didnt read young grasshopper..lol.. that was about the last thing i said... also i noticed that the pics over exagerate the roughness of the inside.. it doesnt look that rough in person... but im def going to resin the inside and ends...

    Creative idea.. im in for the finished product.

    thanks man, ill keep posting back as progress happens

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