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Posts posted by milesmiles

  1. What do you guys think of this: http://techronics.com/index.cfm?fuseaction...4&aff=72182

    I watched a video on youtube and it looked like it was bumping pretty hard (not ridiculous but you know what i mean). im just looking for a "starter" setup that has a decent amount of bang for the buck.

    if anyone knows of any better deals on subs + prefab boxes that would be great!

    thanks, this forum is a big help to me.

  2. Thanks for the advice folks. Now for another quesiton lol:

    I know that a lot of you probably hate on the stores like Best Buy or Circuit City when it comes to installing equipment. But honestly, being 16 years old and all, I don't really think I have the experience to do it myself. If I buy a sub/box/amp combo (which I might), and take it to one of these stores, can they install it properly? Or do I have to buy the equipment directly from them?

  3. Hey guys, I have a Subaru Legacy Wagon from about 2004. I want some bass on my songs, but unfortunately, I'm not currently in a position to purchase subwoofers. The bass is decent as is, although it's not very satisfying. Are there any ways to boost the strength of the bass without subwoofers? Any help would be appreciated. Also, I sometimes hear a slight rattling sound when the volume gets up high enough. Are these the doors / other parts of the car rattling, or are the speakers going? Thanks.

  4. Firstly, I'd like to express my appreciation of Meade and his systems. I've been watching Meade's videos these past few weeks, and they are ridiculous! I showed the "hairtrick" one to my classmates and they were going crazy! Mad props to you, my man; you know how to get it done.

    But now a question to the man himself: After listening to all those tunes at 140-150 dB, are you going deaf? Certainly it must have hurt your hearing somewhat.

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