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Posts posted by shotokan_teen

  1. I know its hard to tell but I am working in the back of my pickup. And its dark so doing this box was a pain in the ass. AND its cold.


    More oozege.


    Hmmmmmmm, coming together....FINALLY!


    Steve Meade tribute. haha.


    Kinda creepy aint it?


    All in all the build is coming together a hell of a lot easier than i thought it would. I asked a lot of questions, did a lot of research, and made sure i got all the right tools. This is the start of a lot of future box builds from me.

    Come back tomm!!! Oh and COMMENTS PLEASE!!!

  2. Okay, build is coming together. Not sure if I'll finish tomm. but i'll try. Anyway...PICS!!!

    Had to make room for the box so the back panel had to come off. See that bulge? That is the middle seat-seatbelt. It was in the way. The truck had no rear deading now and is LOUD!


    Here is a mockup of the box.


    Thats my boy, John, cleaning up my messy glue technique.


    Back panel...completed!


    Thanks stratus for the advice on the corner clamps. these things are amazing! used them everytime i wanted to pilot my holes and anything w/ the drill. get some, $3.


    You know the screws are in good when that glue oooooozes out.



    Man I love ROE! What up Capn!!!


    My boy John. He just joined ROE. Dont know his account name though.


    Love those clamps. Hmmmm that light tells me that they are a gift from God.:thumbsup:


    I need a haircut....sexy drill. Hitachi FTW!


    Awesome sanding technique by yours truly. MDF sands better than I thought it would. My gaps weren't perfect a few times and i hand sanded it to perfection.


  3. I'm a strange black person. i love rap/hip hop for bass but prefer rock (all that remains, RED, System of a Down...ect.) I love rappers like Jay Z, Ludacris, T.I. and Eminem cause they have TALENT. they come up with these awsome beats, repeatably playable songs years down the road and lyrics that make you go WOW!

    I HATE soulja boy! He sux! the lyrics suck, the beat sux. he has no talent. every song on his album sounds the same. rap has gotten really lazy. i miss the old days where you needed a whole cd of good songs and not just a cd with one good song and 15 others that have NO CHANCE of becoming popular.

    For example, if ludacris came out with a new album it would have one song on it that was really popular. but over the period of like 8 months there would be 4-5 songs from the same album that would make it big. why do people love these songs so much? the dances are even stupid. sorry to rant but i hate him so much.

  4. i wouldnt slam on them everyday 20 mins at a time and then for 5-6 hours they will get hot.

    but yea the amps are enough

    well ANY sub will get hot from slammin it for too long but what i mean is will the sub deteriorate from playing it daily? like some of the options on the BTL shouldn't be used if the sub is daily cause it can leave shavings and other stuff broken off in the sub.

    isn't the MT similar or is it a little more toned down than a FULLY loaded BTL?

  5. Before I buy two of these bad boys from a member on ROE i have a couple of question:

    1) will I have enough power with 4 crossfire VR-1000D? they should do 1300 watts on 14.4 volts.

    2) are they good for a lot of daily? i work almost everyday and its about a 15-20 min drive and i live 340 miles from home so i drive about 5-6 hours every 3 weeks or so. can they handle moderate volume levels for this long?

  6. I want to put 2 15's (or 18's) in the bed of my truck and do a blowthrough for just the port. Can i rhino line it and leave it to the elements for about....6 months until i can get a bed cover? just wondering if they'd stay water proofed.

    also...what is the best kind of box for what i want to do? i want both subs facing the inside of the cab and the port going in the cab. is this just a ported box or do i have to go another route?

  7. I have 6000 watts, the electrical to support it and i'm LOOKING to do a blowthrough. My question is will this satisfy me?

    I'm looking at a couple different options...

    1)4 15" Fi Q (or Bl) vs. 4 15" Fi BTL

    I don't know which ones because yeah the BTL is supposed to be louder but they wouldn't get the full 2000 watts they say, I'd only be given em 1500 apiece

    2)Should I do 15"s or 18"s? I know 18"s are louder but will it be THAT much of a difference. Besides...I think I have the smallest amount of watts on this forum. Will I be doing those 18s (or 15s for that matter) any justice?

    3)As far as the blowthrough goes I was looking at 2 sealed boxes facing each other and porting it into the cab. Is this louder or would "subs up port back" be louder? I just don't see how I can make this work.

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