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Posts posted by amazinblazin10

  1. Picked me up a new pioneer head unit today and i just wanna hear some other opinions on it. What i'm really look for is opinions from people that have used this particular model, and if you haven't but you know your stuff tell me what you think about it..

    Pioneer DEH-P6000UB

    Any responses are appreciated i would just to like to hear some other's opinions.

  2. true but it wouldn't hurt to brace it a little, maybe he dosent need a double baffle and 45's on the corners but at least some 2x4's on the inside would be a good idea. especially with two 15's in a single chamber box, even with not that much power the box will flex.

    my bad.. i didn't catch the 15's part..

  3. yeah dude just do the big III upgrade and like donise said you'd need to get a distribution block but those are relatively inexpensive. as to your dual ported box, why buy? learn to build, you'd get so much more satisfaction out of building one, and you can build it specifically for that subwoofer, but hey if you aren't able to build one at the moment that's totally fine, as to you head unit problem.. can't help ya there sorry.

  4. man if i were you don't buy a prefab you can make one so much cheaper. Im sixteen too and i just got into this audio world about 6 months ago and i've already built my 3rd box, you just gotta get in there and try and build it yourself and learn as you go. That's what i did, my first box was pretty shitty to be honest but i got so much more satisfaction out of building it myself than i would ever have gotten buying a box. I would say go for building your own, but hey your sub, your decision. But you can always come back to SMD to get help from other people to guide you along the way.

  5. i just got a FI Q12 and im running around 1000 watts to it i went ahead and used 8 awg simply because we had some lying around it doesn't really matter as long as you don't get any smaller than 12 but i'd say if you could get the 8 go for it can't hurt anything can it?

  6. When i bought my car it came with an alarm but the guy said he had lost the remotes to it, so i never really bothered with it and never really had any problems. Well a while ago me and my friend chris did the big three upgrade on my car and the alarm started to go off.. well we couldn't get it to shut up and we finally had to just unplug it, and i forgot to mention there is this little troggle switch under my dash bored, and now that we unplugged my alarm when the troggle switch is one way my car runs fine but it makes this annoying clicking noise, when the switch is the other way it like trys to prevent my car from started and the started jumps in and out like it has no battery power or something. The problem is i can't find a model number anywhere and pursuit alarms is made by audiovox and i looked on there site and i searched the s/n but i can't find a replacement remote worth shit so can anyone offer any help? Can my alarm be saved? Am i S.O.L?

    all answers appreciated

  7. yeah i was say go for a t-line if you could pull it off but that requires a lot of time and space, but it's all cool, or i've never built one before, but have you thought about maybe building a bandpass it probably will too be big but it's always a possibility, i've only been building for a couple of months now so im not all that for sure but im learning, i would have to agree with some of the people on here and build your box by the kind of music you listen to and decide if your going for more SQ or SPL.

  8. I had a problem similar to this, can't say it was the same situation, but my speakers would get quieter for no reason and i couldn't figure out why, but after a while i had found out that one of my rca outputs on the back of my head unit was going out and it would only work when i would wiggle it, rest assure i got that problem fixed right away, but hey if it happen to me once can't say it won't happen to someone else. Hope you find your problem


  9. My name is Jeff Dunn, and i'm a bass-o-holic. Seriously that's all I have to say. I'm a junior in high school and every since i got my first car, which happens to be a 96 chevy blazer, the first thing i got for it was a set of 12 inch subs. Currently i have to 12' Mtx's with a 1000 watt NT technology amplifier, which is something that almost no one has ever heard of, but i got it heck a cheap. My goal is to build bigger and better and right now im currently building my first t-line for one of my mtx's. My friend chris, or Kandiman71874 got me addicted to this building, and i've been thinking of new designs for months now. Someday i hope to compete, but until then i'm just going to keep building bigger and better. One of the reasons i joined this site, not because my friend recommended it, but is because i wanted to learn the tricks of the trade and how to better my skills and knowledge cause car audio, and it's damn well working too might i add. I'm open to any suggestions anyone comes to me with. And im sure i'll get a lot out of this site and everyone else that has joined.


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