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Posts posted by Sexyhex

  1. Going to be picking this up in the next few days.

    2003 Mustang Mach 1. Zinc Yellow. 93k miles. High miles, but it's all mostly highway.

    Here's a few thing the guy that I'm buying it from did to it:


    -Cobra 6-speed transmission

    -Ram king cobra clutch

    -ORX with Borla cat-back

    -K&N intake kit

    -Cobra R wheels

    -Brembo drilled rotors

    -JVC CD player

    -Tinted windows.

    -Passport alarm system.

    -Subframe connectors.

    I guess the next question is what kind of :hairtrick: ??
















  2. I'm not sure, my family was driving it from NC to KY for me and they said it blew 40 miles into the trip. Not sure what happened, brand new Toyo tires...place I got the wheels is sending me a new tire. Wheel is okay it looks like. Everywhere just about around where I am can't do over a 20 on their tire/wheel machine. Had to go to Nashville just to get the tire off...suckage. They dropped the bomb right when I got home, oh well, at least no one was hurt. No rub or anything. Highway 1, Me 0.

  3. Well, I made it home safely today. Thank God. While visiting with my family when we first got off the plane, my mom drops a bomb on me...about 40 miles into the trip out to Ft. Campbell, a tire blows. One of my brand new Toyo Proxes tires. Yea. Wtf.

    No one was hurt and the wheel is fine (shew.) I'll post pics tomorrow so we can all figure out together what exactly happened to my tire! I figure it's either a balance issue and an under/over inflation problem. Either way the place is sending me another tire in the mail (sent out on thursday) and having me send back the old tire for whatever it is they're going to do to it...idk. Brand new tires, pfft.

  4. After you get back stateside let us know where you were and what kind of mission you had (CLP, MCP, EOD, FOB security)

    We're long gone where we were so it's safe for me to say. We were about 20 miles south of Baghdad outside a place called Yusufiyah. It was considered part of the Triangle of Death (Yusufiyah, Mamadiyah, Lutifiyah.) I'm 11B (Infantry) so we had our little patrol base in the middle of BFE. Our goal mission was to facilitate the turn over of the AO to the Iraqi Army and the SOI (Sons of Iraq.) We've been gone from there for a month and a half. Things are still going like they were. Our old patrol base is still there and the IAs have not been overrun. You can look at it two ways; we didn't do jack shit but walk around in the mud, meet hajj and drink chai or think of it that we won, because we did. We didn't RIP (Relief In Place) with another unit. Our AO (Area of Operation) is controlled by Iraq now and is still going strong.

    Coming home is a process not an event. It takes time, and after all the memorials are over and the thanks for serving speaches are long gone you will still in a way be out there. I have three trips to Iraq under my belt and I actually miss that fucking place.

    Like I said, this isn't my first rodeo, been there, got the tshirt. You're right, it doesn't really end. I personally hate the country, but to each their own.

  5. Well, I needed to vent my anxiety and happiness somewhere so I figured I would get *some* love on SMD, so here goes:

    Just a wake-up left and where out this bitch called Iraq. It's been a long 14 months. They said we were staying 15, but only 14. 18 days short of our 15 month mark. At this point, what's 18 days? Do I want to go home? Yes and no. I know you're reading this and are all like, "WTF DUDE! NO?!" Yea, I said, "No." This cat must be smokin' something...no, here's what's up. Re-deployment is a big deal. It's scary. This being my second deployment, I know little things here and there that I didn't know last time. It seemed like it was okay to be full of hatred and angst but this time, no? Have we not been fighting the same fight? Of course.

    The shitty part about all this is feelings of happiness, anger, betrayal, and mix in depression; you've got a full house now with no clear way to deal with it all. At this point, we get a bad name because we're just trying to re-adjust after not being home for so long. We try to de-stress but you get tools and mouth breathers that make all this that much worse. You feel happiness because you're home and you're alive. You're around friends and family once again. You're around people who, more or less, are happy for you to be stateside. Of course we always have some crazy "church group" from Missouri or some shit there protesting outside post when we land calling us baby killers, bad people, etc. You get the idea.

    This is when the anger sets in. Ignorant people like this piss you off. You get this hero complex where you've been dodging bullets (sometimes literally....) and getting your ass blown up and fighting til you can't stand anymore, not for these faggots, just so you and your buddy can make it home. Don't take this the wrong way; I do this for my family, my girl, the guys I work with. Granted they all piss me off at some point or another, you still love them. Sometimes you just want to break down and not go on, but that's not so much an option. I never really cared as long as the people around me made it back. I would go as far as to say I love the guys in my squad; they're like my brothers. No, they are my brothers. It's a bond you can't get anywhere else. Ultimately, I would kill everyone of these mother fuckers to make it so my loved ones exist in a world without all this drama.

    Then rolls in betrayal...you cocoon up. You don't want to let anyone in. You feel hurt like your heart was ripped out and you're worthless. Life went on without you; people lived their lives and changed. Some guys get back and their wives/significant others have dropped about 35 grand in phat deployment money. Spent it on worthless things cheated on their guys. Wtf woman? We're stuck over here without jack and shit and you can't keep it to yourself til we get home? It gets mixed in. If you have kids, they've grown so much. They've grown up more and they've just been with mom, or in some cases, 'uncle' Jack. You're thinking to yourself, I'm pretty much useless to them. You want to think they have a hard time without you and they do, but it doesn't seem like it. Betrayed. Alone. Isolated.

    This is when you get depressed and feel hopeless. Nothing matters but you and you start to get selfish. You absolve yourself in little things here and there, but you mostly go to work, hit up the Class Six (liquor store) before you head home and start on your bottle of Jack...you get home and it's half gone. Wtf? The song, "Every Day is Exactly the Same" by Nine Inch Nails. Every day is the same after this. Hell, it's the story of my life in the Army, however, this goes on. Anyone who has been depressed on a serious level knows this shit. Of course, we're all 'depressed' at some point, but to the point where all you think about is killing yourself. No more.

    Wow, that's a lot of shit. Okay I needed to write that out and vent a little bit. It isn't for sympathy either. Let's face it, who really needs the reassurance of the internet? It's all common occurrences and it seems like no one ever wants to talk about it. It seems like no one really gets how difficult and frustrating it can me. You get the pogues (the fucks who sit on the FOB getting fat and drinking soda the whole deployment) bitching about how they have PTSD but then you get Infantry guys who have been out there fighting the fight day in and day out, not bitching about it, not saying anything. It's a brotherhood, if there ever was one. I've been in the Army a little over three years, deployed for two of them. Good numbers, huh?

    If you've got something constructive to say, go for it. If you want to bitch about how, "BUSH SUX OBAMA IZ BETTER!" you can get out right now, that's not why I wrote it.

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