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Posts posted by bigman2004_8

  1. do u want the slot port firing the same direction as subs?...

    or subs forawrd port up.. visa versa

    What would you recommend?? i really want it to be loud, and I'm not really getting used to these calculators and stuff:(

    As I've built the box would it be possible just to modify it to become a box with a slot port??

    I'm really lost with this one, I dont know what to say about Subs up or Subs forward, the box was built for forward firing subs :S

    Much appreciate your help :)


  2. well the box on the site ur refering to was tuned to 50hz... which is 15hz above the highest i would ever tune to listen to music... that said, the box u made has a small amount of port area, large volume and low tuning... so it should sound pretty good from 30-50hz and there might be some dropoff above since theres not enough port area... but it should sound pretty good, amazing compared to the prefab one tuned to 50hz

    I hope this is going to sound awesome as i have 2 15's in there while this is getting built but there in a sealed enclosure, but sayin that when driving down the road or pullin up in garage they shake the goolies out of most things around it, i just hope what im building will be better than what i have....... HOPE :)

    Thanks for the advice m8 :)

    Anything else you think of that may help would be muchly appreciated :)

  3. as a very rough estimate...but i think its pretty close

    ur looking at

    [email protected]

    5sqin/cuft port surface area

    id leave the ports where they are... but ideally u should have 4 10cm ports ~51-59 cm long depending on tuning, which means ud need an elbow

    if u notice the sound of chuffing, huffing, woofing or any sounds like that means there isnt enough port surface area

    normally the sounds exiting the port should sound smooth and transitional... it should be obvious if u need more ports


    Thanks for the luck m8,

    the ports I am using are from this enclosure: http://www.theloudest.co.uk/?sectionid=2&a...p;product_id=95

    The only reason i didnt use 2 of there boxes is cos ive only got 100cm boot space, width wise, so i built a custom one.

    I want to get a rough idea what its going to sound like, how do you think it is going to sound??

    Many thanks

  4. what subs/what amp

    how big are those ports and what length

    imo id rather have the ports in the middle so there arent any issues with them being too close to the enclosures walls

    common chamber boxes are notorious for being louder than a partitioned box of the same specs so long as the common chamber box is well braced internally

    Hi m8, Subs and Amp are from a small local company close to me in th UK.

    the ports are 27CM deep, 10CM diameter,

    Pic Photo-0227.jpg

    Thanks for the swift reply,

    anything else just ask :)


    SUBS: http://www.theloudest.co.uk/?sectionid=2&a...p;product_id=85

    AMP: http://www.theloudest.co.uk/?sectionid=2&a...p;product_id=91

    Sorry forgot to add last time :)

  5. Hi guy an gals,

    This is probably posted somewhere else in this forum but I cant find it, I need some advice please please please. :good:

    picture this if you will: I'm building a custom box for the back of my 4x4 and i have everythin perfect, except the front.

    I have been debating before i cut anything out of the front should I: A: leave the ports where they are

    or B: move ports to outer edge??

    I'm really stumped and I thought I'd tickle someone elses brain. :crazy:

    This is My New Box



    Any advice would be much appreciated :)

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