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Posts posted by buddlydudly8989

  1. ok a friend want something thats gonna be loud, but on a budget. He only has around 300 max well i think i could get him to bend a lil on that but not much. Was wondering if you guys would have any options on what he should do. I mean i cant find shit for that lol. all he needs is subs amp, he kinda wanted to do 4 10s or something. I can barely find a amp for 300 lol. PLEASE ANY HELP is appreciated. thanks.

  2. You will not regret going with allthread!!

    who knows maybe ill do a lil of both. i know ill have to do one dowel rod because of the port but thats no biggie. well its bout 1 30 am here so i betta get my ass to bed so i can get up in the mornin and head to menards!! ill keep you guys posted and take some pics of what ill get. o and some of the box.

  3. have 2 on top and one thru the middle sir....and there is "0" flex in that bish....lol.... when r u startn on ur build ?

    well ill be takin pics of the box soon. i got all the pieces cut just need to put it together. but i also got new rf components to install a new amp rack, new rf t800.4 for the components and alot of other odds n ends. so it will all prob start once i get the box going and when the sub gets to my house lol.

  4. how many subs r u gonna run 4 ?

    ding ding we have a winner......4 18s with a rf t4k. 33hz.. so yeah i want no flex. lol

    got 3 18s now but going to add one more. o yeah they are bls fully loaded. i just ordered my 4 th one a hour ago for the black friday fi sale!!!

  5. ok i have a 2004 ford explorer, i have asked this bout droping mine on here before. I have been doing some research lately on lowering it. I found out that fords have like a messed up camber so when you lower them you wont be able to get back to factory specs when u take it in to align it after you lower it, and they dont make any camber kits for them, well they do but its for a v6. People on the other forum complain bout it being way hard on everything and going threw tires like no other. I swear i am starting to hate the fords more and more lol. so if anyone has any advice on what i should do i would appreaciate it. I mean i got 22s right now and it aint that bad, but i would really like to go to 24s and i know if i do that i will deff need to drop it. I mean i have never seen any xs on 24s not droped so idk what they look like. I think i prob will just for get bout droping it all together. any advice??????????

    could someone move this to the right spot lol........sorry bout that

  6. ok well i really would like to share some of my videos well two....if you tell me how they will prob be worth you time lol... do i click add pic and just add the youtube link or what.... i know i can just copy n past the www.youtube.com but i want to learn how to post the pic with it, if you know what i mean. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! i promis you will get to see some sick shirt tricks lol.... :hairtrick:

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