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Posts posted by buddlydudly8989

  1. I dont remember the exact way it goes, but I think theres one wire to the ebrake and 1 wire that goes to someplace else.

    We just sell the modules with the headunit and hook them up right off the bat if wanted. This keeps customers from comming back wanting video playback or them going in their dash and possibly messing something up.

    ok man.... thanks for all the help.... i will make sure to get one in the next couple weeks.... it would just be nice if i could get to my time settings and more ipod settings because i didnt even hook the two wires up the way they should so it doesnt let me look and change anything besides the audio setup.

  2. it will work if you do the toggle switch idea to simulate you actually hitting the brake and what not, but once you shut the car off it is disabled again. So next time you start your car and decided you want video playback your going to have to flip switches again to simulate the brake action again.

    The bypass is only 20$, and it does the flipping of the switches automatically everytime you start the vehicle (so you will have instant video playback when ever you want) without having to flip toggle switches on and off.

    Thats why I said the switches is a ghetto way to do it, and yes it works, but only until the car is turned off because there is no sort of memory for it. plus with the switches you gotta put them someplace and what not.

    so i would only have one switch and turn it on when i start the vehicle and when i turn the vehicle off just flep the switch again... or do i have to use multiple switchs... and the way u say it it sounds like i have to flip the switch on and off when i am driving ahaha. but yeah i will buy that mod sometime in the next couple weeks.

  3. The thing with the toggle is, everytime you shut off the car your going to have to redo the sequnence to get it to play a movie or video, so your only tricking the headunit until you shut your vehicle off. then back to flipping switches..

    You will get annoyed soon with it, and your just better off getting the pac tr-7 for the $20 it costs... unless you prefer the ghetto style installs :)



    ok so i am confused so if i just hook them two wires up to a toggle it wont work??? i will buy the mod but i want something that will work right now lol.

  4. ok well i did some research and found the mods that u can buy.... buti also foud out that u can just run the ground wire and the other wire to a toggle and do it that way... will this work... alot of people say that it will just trick the hu and let u watch movies and other stuff.. so i just wanted some info on what u guys tought bout this before i ripe it out and try it. thanks. o yeah a google turned out to be my friend after all ahahaha

  5. ok i want to bypass it so i can watch movies while i am rollin... i already put it in and didnt hook the two wires up for that.. and i cant set my time, look at pics on my ipod so it kinda sucks and i figured that if i have to take it out again that i might as well bypass it so i can watch movies. there is two wires the yellow/ black one goes to the foot brake i think and there is a yellow/blue one that goes to the parking brake. so i was just wondering how to bypass it and i really need to do this so any help is apperciated. thanks

  6. ok well my parents bought this shop about a year ago, it was a old used car dealer that my parents were good friends with. Well unfortuantly he pasted away and we bought it from his wife with everything in it for 62,000 bucks.Its got just about anything ya need as far as workin on a car or truck, kinda lacks in the wood working department but im working on geting some need tools. The shop is right next to a alley so there is a front part like the last pic i got and there is a back part were if u drive threw the alley u can pull into the back were there is a lift. well enjoi the pics... i know i love having this place more in the winter cuz it has heat but in the summer gets a lil hott but better than workin out in the sun.

    http://DSCF0069.jpg[/img]..... that is the lift in the back side of the shop.

    http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss18/bu...89/DSCF0070.jpg[/img]... another pic of the lift.

    http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss18/bu...89/DSCF0071.jpg[/img] all the fulids and parts a guy would need to do work on his vehicle.

    http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss18/bu...89/DSCF0072.jpg[/img] more tools

    http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss18/bu...89/DSCF0073.jpg[/img] front of the inside of the shop.

    http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss18/bu...89/DSCF0074.jpg[/img] wood working bench

    http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss18/bu...89/DSCF0075.jpg[/img] inside the front part of the shop. allt he paint, sand papper and bondo and ect stuff ya would need haha.

    http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss18/bu...89/DSCF0076.jpg[/img]. frotn of the shop were we park our 4 wheelers, mower and two motorcycles.

    http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss18/bu...89/DSCF0076.jpg[/img] front of the outside of our shop.

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