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Posts posted by wildbeast15

  1. anyone in md near welcome or ft washington? and anyone know any job opportunity there... idc if its washing cars.. im good at computers electronics cars and sales. i am planning/wanting to move down there... got a place to stay at my uncles or possibly at a girls... i just need a job before i commit.. or i could work at my uncles restaurant... Darrah's cafe... (my last name located in ft washington).. but hit me up i am willing to move today lol

  2. 146 on what meter?

    a local shops t.l (idk what he has it set at.. but it showed 146.. ill grab a pic next time i need more 0ga.. lol

    you looked cold.

    thats the owner no pics of me lol.. but yes it was freezing i was having trouble running wires because the carpet was solid so was the wire lol

    and i wish rob or kyle would answer emails we have cash ready to buy a alt.. sooo i want dc in there because i know the other alt isnt putting out what it should be..

    knob is set at 1/4 power untill break in is finished.. but it rattles the car at just that.. im trying to find my old version of in the air tonight that someone sent me so i can crank it and really show flex because my phone doesnt pic it up..

  3. Ok this is a build i did with a friend for his 96 blazer... lets just say it hits hard...

    So far bxi260010d to one mojo 15 and a optima..

    it was a wonderful 12 degrees out when we did it... big 3 is going in tomorrow.. but here is a quick vid from the grocery store the horn was because of the nose..







    0130001250.jpg power 0

    perfect solder






    0130001336.jpg sitting on the tailgate


    The owners goofy ass




    Vid is from my phone so its not the greatest.. but the sub is barely moving and the horn honk is from the sound someone was bitching...

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