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Posts posted by Slapuhho

  1. I know sometimes when the temparture is cold outside my subs usually dont sound as good as they do when the weather is normal around here 80-90*, on the days that you sub sounds crappy any different weather wise than the days it sounds good?

    I haven't really monitored the weather but it hasn't been below 65 when I got it and I don't play it in rain.

  2. well if you hear scratching its usually pretty simple..

    you either could have debris in the gap

    or the coil is scatching

    you also have to remember it only does what u tell it to do... if u played a bunch of clipped rap/rock music it isnt going to sound good at all... if you have done everything properly it should sound great

    people say sx's arent the best with sq, but get loud.... but to almost any normal person with average ears it should sound just fine

    recones are $100-140 total fyi... have you measure each coil seperatly on a dmm?

    It's brand new, I don't play clipped songs, I audacity every song I play. It's just kinda weird because one day it will sound amazing and the next day it will sound bad.

  3. Okay, as some of you may know I have recently had an RE SX 15 in my car. I have been having a few difficulties with some things. My first concern would be the weird sound the sub makes if you push it in, it sounds like it's scratching, is that supposed to happen? Another concern would be it's consistency, sometimes It sounds clean as fuck, and then sometimes it sounds like shit and it sounds different. I have done everything possible to fix the rattling and it's for the most part gone away. At the same time it really doesn't sound that great, the sound quality and the loudness isn't good at all. I have the thing powered perfectly and my volts stay high. I'm very concerned about this considering I make minimum wage and I spent my paychecks on this. Are these things common in any way or did I just get unlucky? I am in no way saying RE makes bad products because they don't, they make wonderful subs and wonderful amps but I really would like some closure on my problems.



  4. The current amp I have draws 400 watts and requires a grounded outlet. The outlets in my house are not grounded, and I don't want to risk an electrical fire or anything of the like. I've been looking at "powerpacks" such as these http://www.amazon.com/Duracell-DPP-600HD-P...bxgy_auto_img_a; that model contains a sealed, 600 watt battery and has three grounded outlets. Is this a feasible solution to my problem? Thank you for any and all help in advance.

    Every outlet is grounded or else electricity wouldnt work, The 3 prong outlets are just a thing called a double safe. idk if this answers your ? though

    Are you saying that your house doesnt have the 3 prong outlets? if so just buy an adapter from 3 prong to 2 prong.

  5. after importing mp3, highlight .5-1second where you know the bass is

    goto analyze

    plot spectrum

    change to 16384

    change to log

    scroll over until cursor and peak are at the same hz

    a loud song is 20-27db, sine waves are 27-30db

    only boost like said above 3-4db at specified hz, otherwise u will see the top of the wave being clipped/cut off

    that is distortion

    u cannot make a song with little bass have more bass without jeopardizing quality

    its best to find a good copy of the song, or get the cd and work from there

    bass boost is not there to make a song with 13db@40hz go to 25db@40hz without clipping

    look at bigpimpins how to tell if a song is clipped thread and read his input and look at my visual examples

    that should help alot

    Yeah, I have read it, a lot of good tips. Right now I'm just slowing it to about -17 speed to -20 and not changing bass boost at all; it sounds quite good, I was messing around with the songs today. I didn't change the hz but it was at 200, is that bad?

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