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96 Tacoma

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Posts posted by 96 Tacoma

  1. its cool if he dont like it, he wasnt rude.....

    it just makes me wonder WTF i should have done that would or could have looked better. I know I DID IT, but i have to say, i couldnt'a done it any better.......if i do say so myself LOL :D I did get lucky, i admit though, but it still came out 88% better then i thought it would!!

    your logo monogramed in the center of the box?
  2. ok i have 2 lvl5 15's now in a dual chamber box, just over 4 cu ft eack and tuned to 32. i need a re cone on one sub so i,m thinking i may just re cone them to 18's.

    currently i have sub up port up but with 18's im not gonna have as much space. i cant really get in more than 10 cubes after displacement

    i will have just over 3k on tap for each sub and would tune to 35 as ai believe the 18 will naturally be able to drop lower, while having tuning a bit higher to keep the punch.

    so is it worth it? bare in mind the 18's are gonna be in small enclosures but with a lot of power.

    also i have heard that in suvs (mines a grand cherokee) sub up port back is best?

    sub up pot back and 10^3 might be too small but not sure

    edit: 10 is the suggested ported for 2 18s

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