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Posts posted by memphis_finest1

  1. does steve build for the public or does he only work with close friends and family..cuzz i wanna get something done by steve

    Well if you got money and time then he will build anything for any body big thing here is time Steve ALWAYS has a project in the works shit we dont even know about so if you want some work done and you are not in a hurry then go for it but remember TIME is the key
  2. they look like 9510s.

    18s are so big when you never had one before. When I got mine, I started thinking that every 15 inch sub looks like a 12.

    Did memphis buy 4 or 2?

    It shall be pretty loud :) :)


    I just noticed the padding on the back side of the cone to prevent the tinsel slap from wearing through the cone. Its a lot better to see then some little foam piece that 9 times out of 10 the tinsel slap wont even hit because they are so small. Ever thought about woven leads through the spiders?

    Posted Image

    i GOT 2 =)
  3. well when you have to have the best thats the price to pay, me personaly i wont pay even a 1/4 of that for any battery lol interstate has my back for 30 a pop hell with sealed and i can get deep cell for 60 a pice .....i love the cheap route

    but yea 1500 for 3 but then its still 1200 for 2 and a optima why not the extra 300 and be done, and im sure if you got all 3 at once you can get them a little cheaper not much but maybe enought to help on shipping of one or 2 of them

    At the end of the day im going to be looking at alot of money for my stereo but yea gotta pay to play

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