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Posts posted by memphis_finest1

  1. alright after everyone telling me not to get alot of crap subwoofers im looking at these two. i want to compete locally(music) so i want the most db's i can get. i prefure low tunning around 32hz because i like the sound for daily driving, but can make changeable ports for when i drag. so my question is which would be louder, two kicker's or the RE Audio's.

    i would like to keep the box i already have, its like 2.8 cu/ft per sub tuned to around 35hz (for my cadence subs). can and will build a new box if need be. thanks guys

    skip both of those and get you some memphis mojos
  2. Alright, now I don't support the police beating people or using excessive force. With that being said, I really do not fee that this was excessive. A man, being questioned for murder (already a potentially dangerous person) swipes a cops gun and kills him, in a police building. I see no other classification to give this man other than extremely dangerous. When the cops do catch him, I don't think that they should do anything less than take him with their safety in mind and that of their fellow officers as well as any other person that might be nearby. Do you think that after he was willing to grab a cop's gun and shoot him in the face, while already in custody (there is no real chance of a clean escape here, they know who he is), that he will just put his hands up and surrender. This man does not care about right or wrong and he probably still had the gun. So, what should the police do, ask him to put his hands up and surrender? Take him down, with whatever method necessary.

    Did they beat him beyond that? Whip him after they had him secured? I do not know, there was no way to know from the video. Let us all remember that in his escape, I believe that they said he jumped out of a third story window, or tried to. Perhaps some of his injuries came from that.

    Like i said im not defending this asshole what im saying is i dont agree with the cops beating the shit out of this guy while in there custody :angry: I could give you plenty of times where i was in the right to shoot some one but didnt the guy did what he did he should go to jail period but not get his ass beat then go to jail.

  3. Everybody grow up ok. There has been people who have done worse things that that man. Im not saying what he has done wasnt wrong but he shouldnt have gotten beat up by the cops like this. thats all i got to say.

    i wasnt going to reply to this one but oh well first off if he did what they said he did then he should go to jail plain and simple for the cops to "take the very law they are sworn to protect is just wrong " No 2 ways about it all the cops that had any thing to do with the beating of the guy should go to jail. Lets say the cops pull YOU over saying you fit the discription of some one they are looking for and they kick your ass ......then come to find out they have the wrong person hummmmm not so funny is it . Right is right

  4. it just pisses me off how someone with 32 7" LCD's in a riced out caviler can justify saying anything is crap just because they never heard of it

    Pay that moron no mind =) id get 2 btls and just totally fuck the game up =) NOBODY around here is running any thing even remotely close to an 18 let alone 2 and big 3 whats that ha ha ha so even if they did they would have a charging system to handle it =) Just do you and the followers will follow =)

  5. I mentioned Fi car audio at my local audio shop to one of the guys who works there and he and I know each other decently..... but I told him that Fi was a better company when it comes to subwoofers. he said bullshit. I'm kinda pissed because I mean. he hasn't heard any Fi subs in person and he dissed my Assassins without hearing them. I'm seriously considering getting $800 and getting a Fi BTL 18" woofer and a BXi 2607D amp JUST to show this guy what's up......


    Kind of alot of money to just prove a point :blush: If you where going to get one any way then cool but dont get one just to show some one up ha ha ha All my local stereo shops have never heard of any of the good brands because they dont sell them ! So fuck em

  6. You think they will actually keep looking into it or continue to try after they sent me the e-mail saying there was nothing they could do?

    that sucks about you getting robbed like that paypal SHOULD give you your money back !!!! Ive bought a gang of shit and the only way ill ever pay is thur paypal ,Im sure theres some thing they can do?But if not this is just a 120 dollar lesson that you wont forget ive had my fair share of getting fucked also http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif Hope things turn out for ya
  7. Rumor had it Tony D, the professor behind the mighty T15k, had a pretty tight background on his computer.....i liked it so much, a picture of his is now mine hahahha......


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    +2 for me, im gooooood! :D

    Its still hard to believe you work in an office , I picture you in some dirty overalls fixing up some ones car go figure that one =) But its a cool pic none the less =)
  8. what year EX do you have? i have an 04 and am running four Alpine R-type 6X8 components and four separate 1 inch tweeters off a RF punch 450.4 ...... sounds lovely

    I have a 2001 expo and i just bought 3 sets of

    Rockford Fosgate T162S 6.5 so hopefully i will be impressed

  9. Like 6 years ago a friend of mine used to do 1000 puchs ups aday Yea no bullshit push ups either i didnt believe it until i saw it so im going to start to see how long itll take me to get to 1000 a day wish me luck Aug 1 is the drop dead date you can try it out to all you have to do is 30 sets of 30 and 1 set of 10 sounds easy right well i thought so too untill my arms almost fell off =) See how many you can do

  10. Well since it a high end sub each individual sub has a different rms rating NOT LOL

    Im building a wall right now for some using 16 g wire a walmart batt (used) and a explode head unit im going to WIN at the next bass race look for me ill be the only one hitting -150 dbs but hey a record is still a record

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