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Posts posted by creyc

  1. Holy hell that's a lot of flex.

    That's pretty impressive, I've got two 18" fully loaded BLs in my 4-door blazer, also running 1500 watts each and amazingly also tuned right around 38Hz. ;)

    It slams hard but doesn't pick up the lows anywhere NEAR like that. If I can find that song somewhere I'll get video of mine. The subs are quite a bit starved for airspace for the moment though, soon it will be properly walled :)

  2. In the environment it sounds like you're selling to, you'll get a lot more for the kicker subs in a box, ready to go.

    I know I would much rather ride around for a week without any bump till I can scrape up the change for a sheet of MDF and some glue than to put my brand new shiny speakers in some POS box that makes them sound like garbage.

  3. Often the 6th or 4th order decision is already made for you, based on the subs you are running.

    Think of the 6th order as a ported box, and the 4th order as a sealed box. As I'm sure you know, some subs are better suited to a sealed or a ported box.

    Find the T/S properties of your subwoofer. Divide the Fs by the Qes and see what you get. Less than 50 go with the 4th order bandpass. Over 100 do the 6th order. Between the two and you can go either way without an issue.

  4. I'm confused by "square and lower bass". Maybe you're thinking the square sub will make it sound deeper and lower somehow?

    I agree with some of the others here, there are much better subs to choose from if you expand your brand selection to more than just JL and Kicker.

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