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Posts posted by TechSys

  1. My camera died. I'm not even sure if I still have the 1500d board around anymore. I know I stripped it down for the Hifonics logo and LEDs, for a project I was working on (haven't finished it...yet).

    I'll try to get pics this weekend if I can get my roommates camera.

  2. I was in the same kind of situation you are in with wantign to start out with Fi Qs at the begining of the season, then going with the BTLs sometime during the season. A few people talked me out of that saying I would spend far more money doing that that I would actually want to. Told me to get the BTLs right off the bat and never look back.

    So that's what I'm doing. :) I would advise you to do the same thing. I can just about guarentee that you'll be running the BTLs longer than 6-12 months after they are installed.

    Now I'm in another situation.. Do I go with 4 18s or 6 18s. God I hate decisions. Good luck with yours.

  3. Hey Steve and David, how about getting some Steve Meade Designs stickers with website address. I would be more than proud to have my vehicle(s) wear the sitckers and it may help out with paying for bandwidth.

    Just an idea. Some type of promotional stuff like that may help on things quite a bit.

    And still if I can get where to send a money order, I will get one out.

  4. I would but for some reason my BBP6 decided to be a pain. I'll go to full screen and it'll crash with a memory error.

    WinISD is doing the same thing. Probably going to go ahead and reinstall XP again.

    I do have one for a 29.217 ft^3 enclosure tuned to 31.2Hz, but it's probably far too big for your application. It's 58" wide x 48" high x 35" deep using 1.5" walls, with a port 45" high x 15" wide x 18.5" long.

    That is one that I'm working on for the Astro and 4 18" BTLs. Not sure how it'll do though.

  5. Radio Shack. Get the little piezo sirens. They can be hidden pretty easy and are damn loud. They may not change the tone of the outside siren too much either. I have 2 sirens under the hood. Luckily they are both from the same type of alarm. If they were differant then the tone would be wierd.

    If your alarm has parking light wiring, you can wire those to underbody kits, strobelights, or any aftermarket lighting like that.

    You can also change your status indicator LED. I currently have 2 for the Beretta, one on each A pillar facing towards the front of the car. I also changed them to some high intensity blue LEDs. They light up the dash and part of the hood, at night. Look like bug eyes, from what I've been told.

    There is actually a lot you can do with extra sirens and lights. Hell, if ya wanted, you could get a train horn from hornblasters.com and hook it to your alarm. Only problem with that is when the air runs out, no more horn. It'll be loud as hell before that though.

  6. Well, hmmm, what can I say? Nothing really except if you say it's the loudest system you've ever EVER had, that must be damn good.5kw on each sub? I'd be lucky to get 2kw to each one, when I get whatever ones I decide on. I think I'd be better off with 4 15s than 2 18s (since there is no way in hell I could fit 4 18s). what you think?Btw... I have 51" wide x 27" high x 20" deep to play with. That's what, 15.9 cubes? Wonder how much more I can get by removing the trimpanels and rear part of the headliner. hmmm.I hate thinking and you and Shawn are making me do a lot of that.

  7. I'm gonna go with the BTLs, no doubt. With the customer service I got through Email, Meade, and Shawn recommending them... I don't think I can go wrong. Just got to figure out which would be best, 4 12s, 4 15s, or 2 18s. Would really like to stay in SM3-4 and do some bass racing. I think 4 15s would do awesome in my car

    Shawn, I will get hold of you when I get ready to come down there.

    Sorry to hijack your thread. Didn't mean to.

    And I can't believe you thought I was A.J. :) I wish I was that loud.

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