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Posts posted by TechSys

  1. Not sure if it'll need an activator, but Gorilla Glue make a CA glue (btw, super glue is CA usually, iirc)

    Gorilla Super Glue is a cyanoacrylate adhesive. Gorilla Glue is a polyurethane adhesive.

    Gorilla Super Glue does not require extended clamping or moisture to activate. It does not foam during set up. In addition, Gorilla Super Glue is recommended primarily for indoor applications only.

    Gorilla Super Glue is ideal for smaller repairs that require an instant bond and projects where clamping is not needed.

    Yes, it will work on paper. Only apply a small amount. It is not acid free, therefore, not recommended for scrapbooking.

    Gorilla Super Glue works well up to temperatures as high as 200-220ºF. However, too much exposure to extreme heat will cause the strength of the bond to be compromised. Likewise, too much exposure to water, especially warm water, can compromise the strength of the bond.

    Gorilla Super Glue can typically be exposed to temperatures ranging from -65ºF to 200ºF without breaking down.

    However, there can be variation to this range due to the way different substrates expand and contract in extreme temperatures.

    Also if you go to any hobby shop (model airplanes, cars, trucks, etc..) ask for Tire Glue, medium viscosity. Light viscosity will dry to quick. Max viscosity will take to long to dry. It'll cost about $8-10 for a bottle of it at a hobby shop.

  2. I know this topic is for the VCM, but I also have a battery question.

    2 Soundstream xxx-6500d amplifiers @ 16volts @1ohm. 250 amp alternator. How many batteries and which ones would be best for my application?

    VCM question. Will it work on the 250 amp alternator? I'm sure it wouldn't be able to do a dual voltage output so I can use one module to control the 16volt side and control the 12volt side at the same time. Right?

    I probably could use one for the 12volt side though. 1989 Chevy Astro 4.3L engine

  3. It's up to the person that is owns the vehicle or is installing the big 3 upgrade. A lot of people do not fuse and quite a few do fuse. It is also a safety feature cause with all the vibrations in a vehicle, the wiring can possibly get worn down and cause a problem. A little bit of safety can casue you to save a lot of money (vehicle and equipment replacement).

    I don't fuse and never have. But, just because I haven't ran into any problem doesn't mean the next person will have the same type of luck.

    And fuse to the wire's ampacity, at least that is what I've been told. You can good wire ampacity and find out what size fuse you'll need.

  4. About $100 - $150 depending on cosmetic and such. And this may help you out a little.

    5 Channel - 35w x 4, plus 100w x 1 20Hz-20kHz, into 4 ohms,

    4 Channel - 35w x 2, plus 90w x 1, plus 100w x 1, 20Hz-20kHz, into 4 ohms

    3 Channel - 90w x 2, plus 100w x 1, 20Hz-20kHz, into 4 ohms

    THD: <0.1% - 20Hz-20kHz at full rated ouput into 4 ohms

    S/N Ratio: 100dB

    Damping Factor: >200

    Input Impedance: 10 kOhm

    input Sensitivity: 250mV-2.5V

    Idle Current Draw: 1.5 A

    Dimensions: 13 -1/8" W x 7- 13/ 16" D x 2-1/8" H (including mounting flange)

    1992 - MC245 Amplifier wins Innovations Design and Engineering award at the summer Consumer Electronics Show.
  5. With the wording on the cap.. Nah, wouldn't want to invert it. That defeats the purpose hehe.

    Can we get other colors? We see pink, what about lime green, yellow, red, purple, burple, blue, black, etc..

    I have a team mate here that has an alternator that color pink. Wonder if he'd be interested in the subs also.

  6. God I wish the limit was still 75ft here. They have it down to 20ft. A damn stock system on normal volume can be heard that far away.

    And what about the radios cops have in the cars. When they get out they switch it to PA. You can hear them for blocks away.

    Or what about the city buses that announce the stop. 3 blocks away and they can be heard.

    Or Jack hammers that road construction workers are using.

    Or the beeping noises from a construction vehicle working on the highway, which is 1 mile away.

    Or the band at a local high school that is about 5 miles away. Can hear the drums hitting.

    Or even downtown when there is a huge event. You can hear the music clear as a bell aprox 10 miles away.

    The cops here are now using subsonic noises to clear intersections. You can hear/feel those things a couple blocks away. How can they be able to use them in the middle of the night, waking up people in houses near the intersections.

    Or that damned Ice Cream Truck with the annoying as hell music it plays that sounds like pure crap.

    I passed by a cop the other day. He was in an unmarked pickup truck. I had my music going, but had the ATT on (which I have to do quite often). I "accidently" hit the button right when a couple bass notes hit. He looked at me and smiled. I thought for sure I was gonna get pulled, but he let me go.

    God now I gotta get ready for work and listen to all this noise mentioned above and not be able to enjoy my system and freedom of expressing my desire for nice sounding music.

  7. 144dB is not a bad score for the first time. Hell, it isn't bad at any time to tell the truth. Get your voltage drop fixed. You're gonna have to play around with the music a bit to find what hits harder. I know for a fact 1 song can make a HUGE difference. We had a guy at a show here hitting 134dB on music (termlab and sealed up). I can't remember what song he was using. I told him to try my Lil' Jon cd, track number 8, 20 seconds in. His score went up to 144dB. A whopping 10dB difference just by changing music.

    I still beat him though. (just had to put that in, sorry)

  8. I'm glad others got to you about passing on Fatmat before I did.

    I placed an order a couple years ago (around 2002/2003 I think). It was paid through my paypal account. Never saw the product. About a month later, if I remember, their account got froze. I never got the money back, never got the product, and they never got my respect.

    Go second skin. Good customer support and prices. My van will proudly be uniformed in SS products one day.

  9. 144 is not bad for 1st comp. My first one I think I did a 127.8 or something like that. It was a VERY low number, but got me hooked to get louder. As Noobtastic said, "Build. Test. Build. Test. Repeat". That's what it's gonna tak euntil you reach the numbers you want.

    And trust me, once you get that 148, you'll want to get 150. Once you get that, you'll want more. It's a never ending battle. Until you get to a status like Tommy, Alan, etc...

  10. Be careful here Wattz. There are a few people from flspl here also. It may be a little more laid back here, but, the rules that are set are enforced fully.

    Oh, and if you're wondering.. You made a post basically asking to be banned

    LOL i want him to see this thread and ban me like he did before for no ****ing reason

    I pretty much would guess that was the last straw and you got just what you asked for. For life.

    I hope I didn't just overstep the rules here by posting that quote. If I did, I am sorry.

  11. My son also likes loud music. Kind of depends on the song though. Some slowed down stuff and he gets scared. But I can get out there with boom boom pow slowed down (or any other way) and he'll dance around laughing.

    He always want to get in the van.

    I thought about getting a power wheels and putting all SoundStream equipment in it. Gotta wait a little while though since he's only 17 months old. We just got him an RC Silverado which he is driving around like crazy.

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