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Posts posted by zfrerichs

  1. you could just make the one that the 18s come in and wrap the gasket and motor with a little foam. all it is is two pieces of plywood one on bottom one on top and the four corners have 2x3s, then screw plywood to 2x3s with sub inbetween. and then but in a cardboard box

  2. at first i wasnt either, because when you first hear about sundown audio your like well i havent heard of them so they must not be very good. i mean when you look around sundown isnt really a brand that gets thrown around until you come here or a couple other forums. but once you really look into them you will know why everyone who has them loves them, they are rock solid amps. you put them up against any amp rated the same the sundown will perform better or just as good. im not including hybrid amps. but its up to you, i was just trying to give a little advice.

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