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Posts posted by thephanatik

  1. I got a creative sound system from a friend a while back, but there was some terrible port noise coming from the non-flared port.

    I took the sub and amp out of the old box to put in a new one I'm building this weekend. A few friends thought it would be funny to build a subwoofer enclosure out of the pizza boxes we just got done with.

    Took a video of the subwoofer in action, including some cream soda waves from the MEGA powerful bass this 4" subwoofer puts out.


    But seriously, the bass is being produced by a 12" subwoofer next to the desk. The cardboard flexes so much it doesn't put out anything more than some loose duct tape vibrations.

    Anyone want some flex vids of the box? :hairtrick:

  2. Sorry about your loss, I know what its like to have relatives like that.

    My parents were helping out my grandpa (had alzheimers) for like 4 years before he passed away. Brought him plates of food every night, because he would just eat garbage food all the time. None of my other relatives even so much as visited him. One of my relatives was going around telling everyone we were taking all his money, and before he died, we found out he got my grandpa to switch his will over to 100% to him.

    I'm glad to see something good came out of your kindness. That's a pretty nice looking car.

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