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Posts posted by pmpnu2

  1. ok someone please help, i need a design for a ported enclosure for 2 15" rockford t1's. i know theres alot of u guys on here that know sketchup like ur old ladies underwear drawer so please someone give me a couple ideas. :help:

    i need subs up, port back.


    width from side to side is 51"

    depth from bottom of back seat to almost the tailgate is 28"

    depth from top of backseat to almost the tailgate is 24" (it will have a slant from bottom to top)

    height from floorboard to right under window line is 16"

    also in the front of the box right behind the back seat i want to leave a "lip" to mount my amp. probably about 2 1/2-3"

    im looking for around 5.5 cu. ft. after displacement

    any help with this will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance to whichever 1 of u geniuses designs this.

    also if u need any more info let me know and i will get it for you.

  2. The PT Cruiser isn't quite that bad, but it's still a pain.

    I haven't examined the Taurus, but have you taken it up on a lift yet? There may be another route you can take if you can fit your hands under there. Sometimes those DIY programs have a lot more than necessary, but make it easy. (I am talking about Big 3 ONLY)

    I'm just saying that because after getting my hands under my car on a lift, doing the Big 3 wasn't as bad as the manuals said. I skipped like 15 steps and pretty much redid it standing under the car. And even if you can't take it all off, you might have anough room to shave down that buffer (or the terminal itself) for fitting and stick a 1/0 on there.

    Like I said, I have no experience with the Taurus so I may just be talking out of my ass. :D

    i dont really have access to a lift so im probably gonna hav to do this the old fashioned way. your right tho if i could get it on a lift i could possibly find an easier way. thanks man.

  3. wow, you guys are amazing!! thanks for the help. chevy boy thanks for talking to your mechanic for me, much appreciated. missinglink, wow!! you guys do know your shit. i need to save up some money and get that alt cuz i dont want to hav to do all of that twice. thank you to everyone who responded, and if anyone else has something to add, feel free. or if anyone wants to donate to my "alt fund" please feel free!!! lol thanks guys

  4. i used fatmat in my ride and so far so good. it seems to stick pretty good, however, i used a heat gun when i put it in. it makes a big difference i think. i had done a small section on my roof at first and didnt use the heat gun and it started coming off after a couple of days. so thats when i decided to use the heat gun. now the same piece has been on there for a couple months and still holding strong. as far as if it deadens the sound, ill find out as soon as it gets warmer here so i can start my install!! lol and fatmat is right for the price. :good:

  5. i hope i posted this in the right spot, my appologies if i did not.

    ok i have 2 questions.

    1st: right under my avatar where it says advanced member, ive noticed some members have changed that somehow. is that something i can change myself or does an admin hav to do it? and if i can do it, how do ido it?

    2nd: how do i put quotes and images in my sig?

    i appologize if these questions hav been answered elsewhere here but i searched and didnt see anything.

    thanks for your help guys.

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