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Posts posted by PUNKYOU007

  1. blow threws arent as hard to do as blow throughs.......j/p

    your center console/box is really nice, id hate to see it go but you gotta do what you gotta do, plus if you did that nice of a job on your current setup i would love to see how you trick out a blow through! blow throughs are not as hard as they look, i mean your cutting through two thing layers of metal, just make sure you seal it up tight and then there is nothing left but to build the box. i say do work.

  2. Thats the thing. I dont own it. I'm renting but in my lease agreement my landlord snuck in that tennant was responsible for all repairs. Just left her office. I didn't see it when I signed but she waisted no time in pointing it out to me today when I went up there to tell her about the pipes bursting.

    Let them walk on you once and they will do it again and again. From my experience people that rent out houses are some of the cheapest mofo's out there. They never want to fix shit and when they do they want to fix it as cheap as possible. They come in my store everyday and want a deal on everything, they buy the shit lumber and the fucked up trim anything to save them a penny with no regard to quality. I understand that alot of people who get these houses dont take the best care of them but when you move in a a shit hole why would you.

  3. last year i got back $7200. I am the only one in the house that works and i support a wife and three kids and myself. I claim 0 so they take out OVER 25%. sucks ass all year basically living check to check but i look at it as a savings account i cant dip out of. After i get my tax check i noramlly pay off one of those damn credit cards that i got when i was in college (only have one left WOOT WOOT) and i buy one or two things for the house, last year i got a nice dining room table with suede and shit and a leather couch.

  4. do u really need to run a negative from the front to back? or can u just ground the rear battery negative to a ground?

    i grounded my rear batts to the frame. but when i put my bigger batts in i will do a couple runs from the front and keep the rear frame too.

    also, what kind of setup do you have that all you need is an HC600? just kinda small.

  5. I tell people whatever your situation weather you want to be in the military or need to. i know people who join the military because they have exhausted all options and need to make sure their family is taken care of. your check is always on time and you got your medical and dental taken care. lets not forget its the damn military. if you dont wanna be deployed you should probably go in the coast guard or navy. you have better chances of not going than joining the army or marines your foot soldiers.

    when i was their i seen navy and coast guard too.

    i have no sympathy for people who join during a war and do the shit that he did.

    Those are the punks i cant stand. These people have no skills. DONT JOIN THE MILITARY JUST TO GET A CHECK. and if you do, Fuck you i hope your on the first flight to war. I get so irrated by these punks that have nothing to offer there comunity so they decide to join the service to get that enlistment bonus just to get out the first chance they get and talk all that shit about how they were in the military.

    The military seems to bee just handing out rank like its halloween candy too. my mother put in 23 years and got out an E7 , would have been higher rank but shes a woman and you know how that goes. i know of a couple guys around here that havent put in 10 years and have that rank.

  6. LOL when I said I was making a ghetto system for my brother I wasn't lying.. I just used stuff lying around, I mean it works, and it works well im just wondering why his voltage is so low... the cap stopped dimming but yeah his truck dies often when idle ^_^ we WOULD have done the big 3 already but I'm out of 0/1 gauge.

    BTW this is plumming copper:


    its the same thing as copper tubing without the tube center, we havn't drilled a bigger hole in his firewall yet to run the 5gauge.

    why would you use that thin copper tubing?

  7. The wife and I have 3 Pits, all inside dogs, sleep in the bed- are all rescues. Each one has its own personality and way we have to deal with them.

    You are at an immediate disadvantage with training because he is already a year and a half old- but don't let that discourage you or stop you. It isn't like it can't be done, it will just be a bit slower than say if you got him as a puppy.

    Step ONE: Make sure you are the boss and that he knows you are the boss. "Alpha Roll" him: Roll him over on his back and get all of his feet off the ground where the only thing on the ground is his back, applying slight pressure to his chest. Lean over him applying pressure to his chest, but don't hurt him or put too much pressure on him. When you do this, make him be still. Keep him there until he tries to get up, and then make it quite clear to him that he doesn't get up when he wants to, but when you want him to. You will know when he gives up b/c he will quit resisting and he will turn his head away from you and look elsewhere. Then you can let him up. Do this often in every room and in every situation you are in until you establish that you are the Boss.

    Keep small treats handy for when you are training him. It is so easy to get angry when they seem to disobey you, but most of the time, they just don't know what you want. Negative reinforcement is bad, Especially with Pits. When they do something bad or you see something bad about to happen, simply take him out of the situation. Stop the bad habit immediately and put his mind on something else. Have him do little things that you know he will do- and then reward him with a treat. Always reward when the do good. Do your best to not loose your cool when they are bad. You can then build on his training with that.

    Be consistent. Pits (on the whole) are very smart dogs and they remember things. If you don't allow something one day, do the next, and then don't again on the 3rd day, the dog sees this as weakness or that you don't mean what you say. They then will assume that with everything you tell them to do.

    Stuff to check into: Cesar Millian's books and TV show: The Dog Whisperer.

    People think my wife and I are crazy the way we talk about our dogs and how we train and interact with them. But really- you aren't training the dog, you are training yourself. Dogs are already hardwired to be the way they are- so if you act as the Alpha and treat them as an Alpha would, as long as they know that- you will know how they will act. Therefore, it is you who are being trained more so than the dog. Pretty crazy stuff, but when I gave in to this way of working with our Pits, everything fell into line.

    oh how true that is. my female is the smartest dog i have ever had. shes an inside dog but i used to keep her outside alot on a chain, she either broke the chain or would twist the chian up to the point that it would break the coller. then i put her in a 7' fence...took her all of 2 days to figure out how to climb out...then she went to just jumping right over that bitch. so i put her on a chain in the fence... break the chain then jump the gate. now shes inside all the time and we have a metal cage that she sleeps in, didnt take her long to figure out how to open that. now i have to put her in the cage and put two snap rings on the cage so she cant get out... i love her but shes a damn pain in the ass sometimes. And i have found that if i make her mad, she will get revenge.

  8. By whole system do you mean radio and all or just the amp? If it's everything it is more than likely a voltage issue. I have had that problem at one point running two Alpine mrd-605's off a stock 650 amp battery and a single run of 4 guage. When the bass line would first hit the whole car would just shut off, engine and all since the voltage dropped so low. I measured it and I was dropping to the mid 11's, but for some reason it decided to shut off.

    you think that sony is pulling that much current? makes sence tho if everything is shutting off then coming back on. But like Klown said, if its just the amp then you need to check your ground. make sure its tight and make sure its clean of paint.. Also dont use all caps, all caps means yelling in a forum.

  9. how much sparking are we talking about here? is it sparking like crazy if you keep the fuse there? or is it like a couple sparks while your trying to push the fuse in? if its sparking non stop then i would say that wire is grounded out somewhere. if its just a lil spark or two its because you have the ground hooked up and when you put that fuse in your completeing the circuit and thats the power trying to get through that line. just unhook the ground and put the fuse in then reconnect the ground.

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