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Posts posted by h22lude

  1. ohh yeah forgot to mention.. another good idea is to hook up teh horns to an AUX output on ur alarm.. it is hilarious.. we install trainhorns at my work usually at least a couple a month.. and scaring the shit out of ppl never gets boring.. and being able to sit back at a bar or sumthin and have ur car parked in front of a sidewalk.. and when sumone walks by hit the button on your remote... is priceless.. what i woudl recommend as far as hooking it up to the regular horn button is to put a switch in between it so that if u do get pulled over.. u flip the switch.. push ur horn button.. and its still factory..

    and if u do u do hook it up to AUX and horn output rememmeber those are NEGATIVE outputs on the alarm.. so you'll need to build a polarity change relay to make them positive before they get to the horn solenoids.

    one last thing.. the horns are LOUD regardless.. but they are directional.. if u have them facing a certain direction their MUCH louder..

  2. If you get a DEI product... I'm not so sure about the other brands.. but the best thing to do would be to hook up the normal siren to the siren output of the alarm... than hook up the train horns to the HORN output of the alarm.. normally by default im pretty sure the HORN output only goes off on FULL ALARM... so it wont go off for arm.. and disarm.. and i can remeber if it goes off on WARN away or not. i know some of this is programmable as well.. I've done this on a couple cars.. and it will definately scare the shit out of somebody trying to jack your shit.

  3. yeah i have a second shock sensor on the way. sucks but oh well

    I havent really had a problem with mounting this alarm... the brain is sort of big.. but usually either behind the passenger glovebox.. or behind the radio.. you can find a nice tite spot to mount it too.. sum dodges and chevy's they have a nice big flat area of metal near the steering column u can actualyl screw it too.. just mount it to a surface that will pickup vibrations the most even from the back of the vehicle.. the nice thing about this alarm is since it is adjustable by remote its not a huge deal to decrese senstivity even if u mount it too solid. external shock sensor alwys works too tho.. the only thing that sucks is it wont be adjustable through the remote.

  4. On my 93 accord wagon thats on cylinders... 205/40/17's I WAS getting about 30 days haha.. seriusly.. on the 30th day the tire would literally blow out.. killin tires like no other.. had no idea why it was killing tires sooo bad. thought maybe i was jus driving too low.. tried driving high and getting different brand tires for the next year.. tried making the camber wAYY positive.. nothin fixed it.. than finally came to the conclusion.. i had gotten an alignment done and than parked it for 6 months.. (slammed) i guess during that period of time it totally fucked up my alignment from sitting on the ground soo long.. all the bushing probably got out of whack and stuff.

    shoulda followed my gut feeling and got an alignment in the first place.. just never took my car to any shops to get it worked on did it all my self.. but an alignment is one of those things where u cant really diy in your garage. unless you have sum badass equipment.

    after that tire is on a year+ and i still got ALOT of tread left...

    It's depressed my buddy at the tire shop showed me customers he had for like 15 years.. and showed me their tire history.. like maybe half a page.. and show me mine in a year.. it was a page and a half. lol... expensive lesson.

    Lessons i learned........

    kumho's were the tires that lasted the longest during all my trials of tires.. they were cheap and lasted longer. sticky tires wear way too fast unless your a drive that needs that i dont.. kumhos lasted amaybe about 30 - 45 days.. but i had nexens.. those lasted like 20 days.. they were way too sticky.. probably better for performance.. but when your on cans your not getting performance anyways...

    and finally... camber doesnt really effect your tire wear for shittt compared to your toe. TOE KILLS TIRES. after i got my alignment thats all they really fixed.. i would drive my car slammed.. with horrible camber.. but as long as my toe was good.. my tires lasted.

  5. I remember reading somewhere(not sure where) about how the squares dont like 1/4wave-t/line boxes. Cant seem to find the thread anywhere, so I decided to just ask kicker.

    Anyone have any experience with the squares in these kinds of boxes? Anything that should be taken into consideration?

    I was going to build two separate boxes for my l5's, since I sold my Memphis's to fund more cone area.

    Did you ever find out anything about this?? i've heard similar suggestions that kickers + t-lines arent too great.. Im getting bored with the same ported enclosures ive been building.. There HAS to be a way to make these speakers louder...

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