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Posts posted by 15VmaxXL

  1. yea but i use it as an everyday driver and listen to rock and hip hop.... having a box tuned at just 30 hz wont pick up what i want and also alot of songs hit different notes highs and lows and i grab them

    all... also a life saving feature on the rockford amps is there adjustable hz knob on their remote bass boost! so that helps alot as well!

    Mike give me a call


  2. I went to Acoustic Edge in Houston to get MECP certified. I would highly reccoment taking their weeks 1-5 courses. These are all the skills you will ever need in a car audio shop. I also took the masters courses & I didn't get much out of them at all. I feel like the masters courser were really just refresher courses on technique that you were taught in previous weeks.

    They also now have alot more classes on home audio, multi media, home alarm installation, custom interior, ect. I would reccomend going to some of these ONLY if you are looking for specific training in these fields.

    Their MECP & basic car audio weeks 1-5 is all I would do if I knew then what I know now.

    Thank you very much!

    My g parents keep asking me every other day, so where you going to college? Have you decided yet? HUH HUH?

    Finally can start looking in to things.

    Thanks :friends:

  3. Go to your local health center, or any girl who's on the pill can go and get a free bag of like 50 condoms. Enough people go, or if you go back and say you used them all they give you more.

    I'm married and I still have a bag of like 50-100 condoms just 'cause.

    All the senoir pranks at my school were taken too seriously and ended with kids not graduating so there were none when I was in h/s.

    One guy sliced up the priciples tires, they never caught him.

    Another guy got kicked out for sticking a tampon up his ass and walking around then went to the nurse to complain about a pain in his ass. I had some really stupid people I graduated with, really no organization there.

    One guy was suicidal and decided to hang himself from the bleachers with his bookbag to make some kind of dumbassed statement/senior prank on everyone. His bookbag broke and he was sent away for therapy. People just made fun of him after that, I don't know anyone who didn't call him funk.

    HOLY CRAP, yeah thats a little obsered. My asstiant pric drives 2 Vetts and if anyone ever thought about doing somthing like that shed kick them out herself.

    About that kid. WOW.

    and not a bad idea about health center. Thanks

  4. Well i have a month and a half to do one better.. I know its not a senior prank, but was funny for the school..

    Ill do something better guys...

    BUT, the whole cricket thing and bouncy balls down the stairs really cant work.. I go to an outside school.... So will be a little more interesting...

    I have something in mind, might be a little exspensive ...

    anyone know where i can get 300-500 condoms for cheap? I dont care if they break. They just cant be used.

  5. Last sunday I went over to a friends house just to hang out. She was texting a few people and we were just chillin on her back porch. I was thinkin of a senior prank. We only have not even 2 months left so i was really thinking hard. Well, theres 2 major groups in my school. Im not racist. But the two groups are rednecks and the blacks. There are always fights going on. Last year we had this kid tyler, he tries to fit in where ever he goes. He just cant be himself. Last year he was ghetto, this year he is redneck. But he is mexican? So not many people like him.

    Emily mentioned something about "text sex" I laughed and said are you serious? People are that desperate? Then it hit me. Emily text tyler see if he will have phone sex with u. Ill record it, you just put it on Speaker phone. Sure enough she convinces him to do it.. So he calls her at 11:30 and the fun begins. It started out with him saying "take me off speaker". I whispered " say no, say, i need 2 hands its better"

    HAHA we went a whole 17 mins before she busted out laughing and he hung up. He had no idea we were recording him. Except when he got to school on tuesday(we didnt have school monday) he relized it, EVERY SINGLE SENIOR had the recording. My brother is a freshmen and he rides the bus home, people are still talking about it.

    The best part is when people see him in the halls they say "can u handle it?" The most memoriable question during the recordings.

    I just had to let everyone know, I had a great senior year, and this is just the cherry on top!

    Anyone else have any stories about Senior pranks?

    We joked all year long, We've been in a prank war at our school for a while.

    You see kids at pep rallies with TP and water ballons, Most times Saran Wraped cars.

    Tyler is always doing something, so its not like he didnt see this coming.. Trust me , he is going to try to get me back. So remember guys, If u have phone sex, someone could be recording it haha

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