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Posts posted by 15VmaxXL

  1. hmmm.

    So is it no good if I used home depot wires for my speakers? :(

    Power in your home is AC power, the power runs through the wire. On the other hand Car batteries put out DC power. Dc power runs on top of the wire. So the more strands you have the less resitence.

    But there is a point where having 12 guage and have 8 guage makes no difference. But thats only at lower wattage.

    Like pissing through a straw as oppose to a hose.

  2. Well being only 17 i have yet to deal with all these things in life....

    But my rents are splitting up again for the 5? time ?

    My dad got caught on the phone with his ex gf and now my mom is leaving him...thing is he doesnt know its coming, oh and we r moving out on v-tines day.....Going to be a great surprise...

    But keep your head up bro.....God is doing all these things for a reason...


  3. Since this seems to be going off to no where i think ill ask for some help.

    Im wanting to put 2 lvl 5 18s in my envoy xl ... I took out my 3rd row so id have room for my new box..But i cant decide on a box size for them... Anyone have any drawings of their box or boxes they have seen.

    I have 47x35x25.... I could get 20 cubes with that...but any suggestions on what size and what size port??

  4. Im going to pay off my truck after this setup and hopefully that will be before college......Once its paid off i want to make a wall with either lvl 5s or fully loaded 18s......but i dont eneough wanna start talking about that because its going to cost a pretty penny

  5. dont do a cap, get a small kenetic batter for back by your amp, it will do what you need it to perfectly. the 1606 is about 1200 watts at 1 ohm its a decent amp too. as far as deals go, your going to have to look around, i personally dont know where any are

    How do i hook the alternator up to the new battery?

    But if i would get a cap is there a size or kind i should get for 1000-2000wats rms??

  6. yeah they are over ratted.if you want at least 1200 rms get the brutus 1606.i think the 1206 does like 900-1000.But all aside great amp i ran both the 1206 and the 1606 and they do their job.especially for the 200 bucks that they are worth,

    Anyone see any deals to be made out there??

    And what does the 1606 run at??

    A little off topic but no need for another thread, id like to get a capacitor and ive never owned one before. Is there a certain size cap, to how many watts you need?

  7. Im looking to get a 1200 watt 1 ohm stable amp....I have many options i know, but i saw a brutus 1200 for 219$ at a place by me...

    Ive read on here some people think they are overrated?? Why do u guys think that? And who thinks its a good amp? worth 219 bucks?

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