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Posts posted by CodyB

  1. Jailbreaking an iPhone is a process where you "break" the locks and restrictions Apple put on "their" YOUR device to keep apps to AppStore Only Approved apps, This opens the phone up to installing 3rd party apps that apple won't allow.

    I personally LOVE my iPhone so much more after the Jailbreak. You still sync with iTunes and nothing there is broken, your phone can be themed unlike with the stock iPhone.

    The only drawback I see to it is that Apple sees this as not being legal because of the wording of their End User Licence Agreement, a fancy document of THEM telling YOU what YOU can and cant do with YOUR device, This possibly voids the warranty, but if you do not like your device after the Jailbreak you can go to iTunes and Restore your phone to what it was like before you Jailbroke it.

    When Jailbreaking you NORMALLY do not lose any data or pics or texts etc, its like syncing but you have to follow like 4 instructions using the QuickPwn Jailbreak Link to QuickPwn

    I am happy with my Jailbroken device as are all of my friends that have followed suit after playing with my iPhone. Google is your friend but QuickPwn is the best app to Jailbreak made by TheDevTeam.

  2. I got bored yesterday and wanted to practice on my Photoshop and Illustrator skills.

    This is 99vic's sig I fixed up for him, anyy other requests are welcome.



    First revision


    Next came


    New Font


    Thin outline


    Thicker outline


    I believe 99vic wound up using the next to last one I just had the two outlines as a choice.

    I can do these for free, but it will probably be when I can get to it. If you want one quickly you can just donate me a few bucks and I can put it as a priority. I like free stuff and I'm sure everyone else here can appreciate it too so I dont like to charge for something, so if your patient its free. B) BTW Im in college so every little bit helps me out.

  3. Anothr one, the fucking bitch behind the counter at my eye doctors wouldnt even fucking try to help me out, I ran out of contacts, couldnt get an appointment for a month, a week later my contacs rip at the end of a backpacking/camping trip and my glasses are at home about 150 miles away... Get home get the bitches on two days later I clean the damn things with laquer thinner becouse I painted a clear coat in them and they are spotted to hell, well the laquer thinner eats a big ass chunk out of my right lens, so I go to the eye doctors office to see if they couldnt just go ahead and order me a single pack of contacs so I could see right, she first says it will be at least a week, then goes and gets my file and tells me they cant order them because that perscription is expired and I still have to wait until april 10th to see my eye doctor to get a new script... Fucking bitch didnt even call my doctor to ask him if he would just sign off on the old script just so I would have something to be able to see. And im so blind that they dont even keep my script contacts on hand like they do for others... FUCK THAT BULLSHIT!!! I still dont feel any better though... bitch...

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