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Posts posted by SPLGEO

  1. I learned that trick from the home teator guys that if you have it faceing towards you you don't gain anything in a home enviroment.

    the reason why the wall works as I said before is because it descresses the total cabin volume. completely sealing off teh truck in kinda of a trunk wall i guess you'd call it you its basically the same as a wall but your  not taking up as much room as a wall from the B pillar back. the subs facing rear  fills everything thing up. with it out sealed it wants to fill the rest of the trunk. i see the point of deeling everything in.. but honestly you can't produve AUDIO GAIN with teh speaker faceing you. thats my conclusion

  2. It was a geo prism...  I had it pretty close to being sealed.. the big bx builder here told me his little secrets.. that teh seakers should never be faceing you always away from you...Bass has to roll of of stuff to build up pressure. Walls are  ment to make the cabin smaller this decreasses the amount of air the woofers has to pressureize SPL P for pressure. the smaller it is the better. thats one reason why Tommy K can hit 151 with one 10".  if you can try turning it around and leaving 8" between the woofer and the rear of the vehical

    I am not saying what you are doing is wrong different cars/suv/truck have a certien way they like the ports and sub faceing.. Crx's like teh sub up ports back" CRX BOX"....

    If can try turning it around and seeing teh difference.. I know your tuning frequence will change. if you can't change it I am just adding my 2 cents

  3. Plus his going to need all of the Mounts.. ANd a link system for the rear  and There no need for an oasis compressor.. I have a viair 380 for 75 25  shipping now but if you want to buy the whole kit.




    you can do with out teh link system but you won't get a smooth ride at all... I tried air bags with leaf springs  was ok. but teh link system road like a Caddliac. Ranger too ;)

  4. alot of thing prolem will killthat mojo....... i really want to spit this guy because MEmphis is the biggest thing here if i can bet him with the same type setup that he had.. that would be freaking awesome I really want to do it with the BTL 15 fully loaded i will probley order my btl in a month are so design the box and TEST.. TEST... TEST

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