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Posts posted by cthedinger

  1. Ok are ya ready for this my friend has 2 8 ohm Kicker comps and he went and bought a pioneer 5400t the place said it should be fine and we hooked it up so that it was bridged and gain was under normal. Being 8 ohms we wiring them in series to 4 ohms which the amp is 4 ohm stable. Which that is the only way it looks to wire those for that amp ohm.

    Well it hit hard but after some time it overheated I checked his ground and all is good his deck is at -10db(all the way down) he ended up taking it back and getting a Sony xplode not sure what model but the guy told him that it was hooked up wrong he thinks thats why it was overheating but how could it be hooked up wrong?

    He ended up getting a sony xplode not sure the model but think this one will heat up as well I am not sure if its a mono block or not.


    i have seen several sony's and they all will heat up after 10 mins or so

  2. I have almost the same situation. She and I have been super close for 3 yrs. Everytime she goes and finds another guy during the first week theyre datin she calls me up and we go do stuff. Well here recently things have changed. Her last bf was a big pussy whore and thats all he wanted so they broke up. We started talkin and wat not again and hangin out too much. Since we're both going on trips tomorrow we decided we needed to hang one last time yesterday. Things just started goin south. Last nite we were talkin and at first she was saying she didnt have feelings for me then it went from that to im sorry ive screwed you over so many times and then she said that she wasnt tryin to lead me on or screw me over and i told her shed been doin both then one of my good friends called her and told her to stay out of my life and to stop screwin me over. So she said that i should think about wats best for me and we should move on or not. Its very very very complicated.

    Fuck girls man too much drama!

    shit can suck real bad but i still dont know what do

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