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Posts posted by cthedinger

  1. subpoena*

    and i guarantee this wont go that far. no subpoenas, no fingerprinting, no writing analysis. the judge will most likelt tell your parents' to keep their kid orderly and tell you guys to stay out of trouble. you guys are two minors fighting like children, nothing more.

    haha yeah i ussually ignore his shit but for some reason when he texted me twice in a day i felt like messing with him

  2. They filed them against you, you do the same to them. I hope you kept all those txt messages.


    You can deny those letters and stuff. All they have to do is check for your prints on them or compare hand writing.

    well then i wont get fucked for that

    i think if u have proof he contacted u first then it negates what u said

    im not sure tho.

    there is proof he contacted me first

    damn that sucks...well i guess if he took offense to it, then it would be considered harrasment. how old is he?


  3. basically this kids older brother threw a rock at my car about 6 months ago i got the police involved and got the money to fix the dent and the family has been looking to get back at me for a while now i have gotten several calls from then

    and on monday the kid texted me and i texted him back saying you are the scum of the earth and to leave me alone he didnt so i told him he had no life he called me said he wanted to fight i lead him on a wild goose chase still wouldnt leaqve me alone so i called him a dumpter slut , pussy and a fuck bag still wouldnt leave me a lone so i just stopped replying

    and today i got a cirtifiied letter in the mail that says they are bassically fileing harrasment charges

  4. Why we have 2008 and a 2009 Tahoe's and both have the Bose package and they both sound excellent

    dont get me wrong they sound good but they are hard to work with essecially if one day you get new head unit of door speakers most harrness are like $5 but my 2003 denali it was $120 for the harness i said fuck it and went with a regular harrness and now the fm and am radio doesnt work and the illumination for my spedometer and gas ad oil and that shit doesnt work and much more

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