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Sable Nave

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Posts posted by Sable Nave

  1. k/ka band is radar, and gets to be like 10meters wide, which is why those detectors work and give you time to slow down

    laser is an inch wide, so unless that 1 inch wide beam crosses a sensor on your detector, it wont go out

    and blocking k/ka band is illegal on the federal level, the fcc administers all radio waves, k and ka included, having a device that blocks them is reallyreallyreally illegal

    xband is just light, block/scramble that shit all you want

    (i had my beltronics and calibre training...)

    dont even try to prove the cop is wrong, its damn near impossible, try and get it pleaded down to lower points via a lawyer, sometimes they will do 2 less points and add a no seatbelt ticket or something

    edit: i was told that there wasnt anything commercially available that scrambles radar

    googled your little toy, it doesnt either "Rocky Mountain presents the Rocky Mountain Radar Laser Detector with Laser Scrambler - RMR-C450"...only scrambles laser, which is legal to do, but never would work, especially if you get shot in the back. radar it would detect but wont scramble, rocky mountain doesnt want to go up against the FCC


  2. And thats the type of radar dector i have. It is a scrambler, only thing is, they only offer that ticket paid ticket for a year, and its older then a year. So thats no option.

    Its not the money Im worried about, its the 4 point ticket that will raise my car insurance way more then a 2 point ticket.

    I got no problem paying the ticket. But Im already dropping almost $900 every 6 months for insurance on the Hoe. :(

    Im gonna try and get ahold of this other state trooper thats been on the force for 47+ years. My friend does car repairs for him part time. Ive helped him out with some repair work so he knows me. Maybe he can fill me in on what this unmarked lasar means. and since he takes his state patrol Tahoe home, I can test out this radar scrambler I have. That be really cool, and if anything Id have a good witness on my side. :)

    That wouldn't be a good witness, because radar and laser scramblers are illegal

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