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Posts posted by thehoe92

  1. Congrats my dude! You deserve it more than anybody! Things will surely take off now! I'm 4 away from 2K! It was 4 and a half months ago since i hit 1K......Personally i don't see how anybody can watch one of your vids and not subscribe! lol

    thanks dude!! and you are 4 away from 2k because you make so many god damn videos haha! and all of them are entertaining

    Congrats bro.

    And random question, do you have Black Ops for PS3? Cuz I just played someone and their PSN had Shutz in it I think.


    and no my last name is schutz

    I don't have any systems lol thats just more money I could be spending on the hoe :D

    But they are a waste of mine........SNAP :peepwall:

    if I painted my rims booger green you would watch my videos :give_rose:

  2. jesus how did I get dragged into this...

    I would appreciate it if you didn't compare my tahoe to Steve's

    by no means does mine come even close

    I know my shit is ghetto and is bound to not look good over time

    I say keep the rims the way they are.. the only reason I could think to paint the lip is to be different since so many people have the U2-55's

    IMO the chrome looks sexy in person especially on a 26

  3. every time i log on to youtube it asks me about signing up my video of my exhaust. i never do it because it dont seem to be worth much. a lot of the people i know that get paid are still bumming smokes or gas money lol.

    for those that posted charts. is it worth the time signing up for gmail and that account they want you to have? if you dont mind i have been curious how much some get paid?

    unless you are getting Steve Meade views or have quite a few videos with revenue sharing then you will not be seeing a huge amount of money come in

    its definitely not a waste of time though

    the way I see it.. its a win win version of stocks

    just sign up and let it sit and gather views.. check it every once in a while and see where you are at

    there's no way you can lose money or go negative

  4. ok so i have been researching drop kits for my truck on and off and finally want to order one. i found what i want.

    i dont know anything about a torsion drop.

    i also dont know if im going to need new shocks.

    any advise will help. would also love to see some older chevy's with this or a similar kit installed


    stay far away from torsion drops..

    it is the cheapest way to get the front lowered and for a good reason

    when you use torsion keys you will be changing the geometry of your stock control arms causing it to be very hard to align..

    obviously every case is different but I have never been able to get my camber back to spec and its ruining my tires quickly!

    I would say look into getting some spindles or lower control arms and last resort is do torsion keys

  5. What you mean by link to your stickers?? Stickers your looking for on his site??

    nah he uses google checkout or something and I sent him links to the fonts and colors and had it all set to order but he forgot to send the link for me to send the payment..

    its cool the I ain't trippin just giving him a hard time since he always gives me a hard time about shit :D

  6. On that FI... It don't look like the box is big enough... how many cubes is it? What is it tuned to? LOL! On that note... I wish I had some FI BTL 18's "JUST LAYING AROUND"!!! Your shop is like a Bass Heads Disney World!!

    good lord is it!! haha so much fun today after we finished the rims on the lex

    hooked up that BTL in a hella old school 4th order Steve had and threw it in my hoe

    the video will come with numbers I think of when he stuck the mic in the port :D

  7. nice vid. kasey may not be able to hook an amp up wihtout smoke :rofl: but he can sure edit and shoot some vids.

    hey! :angry:

    1 out of 4 ain't bad :aggressive:

    but I just shot this video haha that Sony 1080 is legit!!!

    hey now, he is gonna fuck me up when he edits HIS video version of this - but i edited this one!! :D

    too bad I can't get your footage to work on my computer otherwise you know damn well I would have a raw ass video for you :D

    i would like to throw a supercharged 6.0 up in it :)

    gotta save up though!!! that would be sick as hell though i think!!

    just a little inspiration ;)


  8. I cant look at these pictures without wanting to tint my windshield now. Even after giving everyone shit about it. Damn you Steve Damn you! :D

    35% is really not all that bad..

    if you have the windows rolled down it looks like a stock windshield

    it makes a difference though thats for sure

    and the 5% strip is a diversion haha cops will look at that and say okay your windshield is cool because all it has is the LEGAL strip and looking from the inside out 35% still looks like stock

    so DO IT!! :D

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