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ant the ninja

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Posts posted by ant the ninja

  1. Marlboro Menthol Lights 7.89 a pack

    Im surprised no one has said:

    none because cigarettes are fucking retarded and companies dont give a fuck about you or me they just put w.e gets you hooked more in there so you, your children, and your childrens' children keep smoking, keep dying and keep the money flowing into thier pockets.

    in years past idk 20's - late 80's or something before info started coming out about wtf cigarettes really do and whats really in them, it was about being cool and becaues everyone was doing it - i get that

    now that its 2011 and all the info is out there- its just stupid.

    now if you dont care and want to kill yourself and ppl around or at least increase the risk for some f'd up stuff then thats ur right, but its funny how the price issss going through the roof especially in the city, and people end up paying ~2k+ a year to kill themselves and struggle to keep the lights on. and they cant stop because their addicted and stopping smoking means suffering rediculous symptoms and seriously just suffering through life.

    and the stupid companies lmfao come out with STEP DOWN cigarettes with extra filters that help you stop smoking and this gum and that patch, man that shit is a joke and just another way to get extra money out of you, knowing that you will likely end up smoking again.

    ive seen all too well wtf cigarettes do to ppl, families and lives.

    so fuck this thread

    / rant

    anyway bash me if you wanna its all good, and im not like campaigning to stop you ppl. do what you please. its just that i couldnt just NOT say anything. but dont mind me do what you will and enjoy your lives as you please :P

    is it because you have a sony h/u? :peepwall:

  2. I only paid $70 for 20% on my front windows which matched my stock tints on all my back windows. Plenty dark for me, 35% is legal here but I havent had any problems knock on wood

    Well over here the law is 70% on the front and 70% on the back and the rear window any percent. But with the Suv's there is stock tint that is already over the limit so. :clapping:

    Does 70% even do anything? haha seems like a waste to even pay for that. Yeah in CT 35% is lowest legal on front and anything you want for the back, oh and that windshield strip is illegal at any % unless its the stock one like I have which is that blue-ish one.

    EDIT: I forgot my sunroof had a 20% stock one or 25% dont remember but I put a 5% over it and even in daylight it looks closed, its dark as hell. Forget it at night, you cant even see the streetlights if your parked right under it.

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