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Posts posted by fragviper

  1. skullcandy headphones FTW

    That's what I'm replacing.. they just fell apart after like five months, plus even the biggest size bud wouldn't fit into my ear right and it always fell out.. I have some DJ style headphones that I'm using now, I actually found a way to sleep on them in class but I would really like some ones that I can just put in my pocket.

    Oh but this system I got on this computer def. has highs, the woofer lacks quite a lot though, it's actually kinda pathetic the box they put this thing in makes more noise when you turn it up pumping out air from like an inch slot than it does producing the lows.

  2. Creative-Xmod-Portable-X-FI-Soundcard-2.jpg

    Anybody have any thoughts on this in car audio? You run an audio cable from your iPod into it, and then from it into your stereo via another audio input. I have this for my computer and it has a "crystalizer" which seems to increase the lows and highs from your MP3 quality music, it's also adjustable where you can increase or decrease the effect. It also has a 3-D enhancer which is not so good for music, but I like to use it while I watch movies to increase the 3-D effect. ( The effect would sound totally different in a car though. )

    Basically I'm wondering if this is better than a USB input on a headunit for an iPod.

    More info: http://us.creative.com/products/product.as...p;product=15913.

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