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Posts posted by bossgator

  1. if theres a different spot for this let me know or move it..

    well i was thinking about a tatoo..

    and i want it to be this..

    a rebel flag.. hanging down.. with a few skulls and like a lil banner going across it with my dads name since he passed away.. could anyone draw me up something?? it will be on my arm.. and my dad name is charlie pittman.

    i might have a lil something something if you can ;)

  2. i like it.

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  3. so heres the deal.. i suck with computers.. but anyways.. im always downloading decaf music and my question is..

    everytime i download a song and put on my ipod it works and plays on itunes.. well if i go to try to play that song on itunes the next day.. it says the song cant be found or has been deleted or something like that.. how do i make it stay on itunes?? CD stays on there and songs i bought from itunes stay on there.. any song i download.. it wont stay on there.. is there a way to make it stay on there?

    sorry for asking noob questions LOL.

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