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Posts posted by Exerstine

  1. sorry I'm gonna have to be the bearer of bad news but, the camaro had got totaled back in october.. while i was in tulsa. COMPLETELY not my fault. i was at a red light on my way to work when a guy fails to yield for oncoming traffic while taking a left, struck a car which in turn struck me.. no drivers had insurance except for me.. which just sucks, i had been trying to find a car ever since with no luck at all.

  2. alright so its what i thought in the first place then, thats good. the amp i currently have, doesnt have an option for bass knobs so im kinda limited to what i can get. heard good reviews on the LC-1 seems really simple to install too kinda straight forward. kinda tired of having very limited bass control. the only thing i can do to it as of now is either turn the music down or turn the bass off at the headunit. this really frustrates me because, ya know, if you spend money on a system youre gonna want to be able to play it dammit lol.

    i gotta be able to control the bass, when the wife rides with me she doesnt like the bass being so loud but not off, so this may be the EXACT thing i need, Thanks for the info chevyboy :drinks:

  3. Always nice to see another fbody build. But a couple things, have you thought about putting the mids/tweeters in the front doors instead of the back? And leave the box in that ttop holder area as you'll have more room for the box and it'll sound better (I've had a box where the rear seats are, on the gas tank hump where your amp is, and in the ttop area).

    If you really want to switch it up you could also do what I did and put two 12's in the well area ported.

    And a final thing, change out those salad shooters! Looks clean besides that, though.

    i have 2 sets of components so one set will be in the doors, the hatch area speakers are like 4" sets and would never fit a 6.5"/ my midbass subs will be going in the sail panels and eventually just ran on their own amp (same with components) so i made the box deal so that i can fit them in the rear and i can get a little creative with it.. i may even end up fiberglassing it or putting like the chevy bowtie on it, or something of the sort,

    PS i hate my wheels..

  4. I had a 12" in a truck box (sealed, layed on its back instead of standing up) in that position in my old 85 camaro and it pounded extremely hard.. kind of miss that setup lol. Set the box up there and test, if it works you can throw together a low profile box that could have the speakers and sub on it.

    ill try it out but my box isnt sealed either :D its a port :)

    yeah I saw that. port facing rear might act kind of like an suv and get you some awesome output ; )

    ill try that out.

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