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Posts posted by Exerstine

  1. Okay so a friend of mine ordered a Audioque Hdc3 15" and an Audiopipe 1500.1 I am going to be building a box for him sometime within the next week or so.

    I just want to double check to see if im right.

    box 3.3cubes tuned at 32 hz



    If i am wrong and this is way off please lead me in the right direction thanks in advance

  2. when i first got my iphone i was pretty pissed about my battery life.. but i noticed the biggest changes when you turn fetch new data off. if you dont your phone will constantly pull information from the internet (mail, updates, ect.) causing your phone to work more.. when you turn it off itll only pull specific information at one time instead of constantly.. try that and tell me how it works out

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