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Posts posted by Exerstine

  1. i do thank God that im okay. my mother was the first to the scene after the police (her friends listen to police scanners) they called her and told her to listen to it and she took off towards me.

    russellville has a very low crime rate, and where the store is located is the worst part of being there. and its kinda depressing to think that i could have gotten killed over like $250 cause one register wasnt being used so there def was $75 in that one. and my manager did a ringout before they came and it had like $180 or something like that...

  2. just finally got around to posting pictures of my system i put together.. its small but it gets the job done. hoping i can upgrade soon.

    system consists of:

    1 Alpine Swr-1222D

    1 Pioneer 760 watt amp

    2 Alpine Type-s 6.5" Coax

    Pioneer headunit

    aprox. 15 ft. of 4 gauge wire.

    heres the car.


    sub came in..



    Running the wire







    where the amp will sit... under false floor (car came with no spare)


    end result


  3. ahhh my relationship was very similar.. but i ended it. basically she told me i couldnt have friends.. at all. period.. or even work on my car.. everything became more important than her.. in her mind. i came over that bitches house every fucking day. and still everything was more important.. i barely had time for myself.. but if i had gotten a text message from someone else all hell broke loose. i never gave her a reason to not trust me but she just flips out for nothing talking about i work too much and need to spend more time with her.. after all that had happened she asked me the one question that set me off... "is there someone else?" at the time she was at my house. i told her to get in the car drove her home she cried before she got out and told me that i was dumb.. i left and called her when i got home and told her it was over.. the most frustrating relationship ive ever been in...

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