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Posts posted by white4d96

  1. I suppose I could probably do that. I was just entertaining the idea of doing it myself. I liked the one I put together before, and kinda wanna redo it with more rows of LED's (I have 2 rows of 4, guy at the shop said they were 3-3.5V so I figured series 4 of them and be golden...WRONG.) but I can't find the anywhere.

    Anyone have experience with SMD LED's? (Yea yea I know, SMD, ROFL.) I did find those but don't know how easy they would be to solder up. http://www.diodedynamics.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=111

  2. A few months ago I bought some white wide-angle LED's from a local electronics store for an LED dome light. Stupid me series-wired them and some burned out, besides, I paid too much for them and, well, I want a brighter light. Problem is, I can't freakin' find any more white wide-angle LED's. I saw some on EBay at one point but the seller is gone and I can't find them now. So if anyone knows anywhere that may have them it would be appreciative if you could link me to them, or give me a phone number, whatever. I'm looking to pay no more than a dollar apiece, preferably less than that (I paid $1.99 apiece, but these ones on EBay were that price for a lot of 20 prewired for 12v.) It doesn't matter to me what voltage they run at, as I will be running a resistor to them. Thanks in advance for the help.

  3. On the first pic could someone change the center grill piece (the one with the bumperettes on it) to black?


    And (if this pic is easy enough to work with) could someone change the color of the car on this one to a deep blue, maybe a pearl if it's easy enough, and also lower it? I posted two in hopes that one would be good enough to use; I can get another tomorrow probably.



    Color kinda like this 67qmuw.jpgIf at all possible.

    Sorry if these requests are difficult or impossible, this is my first time asking for a P/S.

    EDIT 'cause my dumb ass deleted the second pic.

  4. most of those suction cup pullers are a scam man. the problem is that metal expands, so it wont go back to its original nice form. if you caught it within like an hour of the dent, then it may work. but once its been through heat and cold expanding and retracting in that form, thats the shape its taken.

    Damn. How would I go about pulling it with the slide hammer? I can get access to a welder.

  5. Thanks for the suggestions, however if I do get the car painted it will be in the factory color. My insurance is really nitpicky for some reason about paint (my brother had an accident with an Accord he had repainted and they halved how much he got for the totaled car because it was not the color it was supposed to be.) As such I figured if I did anything different it would be adding something to the factory color.

    ...I wonder if I could use one of those huge suction-cup dent puller things on it...

  6. My Grand Prix has all sorts of tiny dents all over the place I want to fill in. One in particular is on the rear quarter panel, blocked from the back by the wheel tub:


    It's too deep for me to be comfortable with using bondo on it, but IDK how else to get it out unless I like weld a nail to it and pull it. Problem is this metal's so damned thin (I literally put a dent like that in my fender by leaning over the hood, and my belt buckle got pushed into it) that I don't feel safe doing that. Any advice?

    Also, I would obviously need to get paint done after all this de-denting was done. Paint guys, what would you estimate the price for a full spray in the factory color, and/or if I were to add some blue pearl or metal flake to the factory paint? If I could get a clean space to spray in I would just do it, but...yeah, not happening.

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