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Posts posted by white4d96

  1. Also check your PCV valve. I don't know about the L36's, but I know on the L67's they're crammed down in a corner where people like to forget about them until they fail. It's like a three dollar part.

    While you're at it a tune-up can help as well. Plugs wires filters etc etc. I noticed a bit of a gain with a CAI and mild exhaust as well, but if you're just looking to get back to stock mileage you won't have to go that far. 3.8's tend to sound cruddy with exhausts anyhow :peepwall:

  2. So I really haven't been around much in a few months, but if you remember (doubtful) last time I was here I had started a temp-to-perm assignment working for Uline in a distribution warehouse, night shift. Well tonight is my last night there as a full-time temp. Starting Sunday I will be a permanent employee. I will be getting a raise, full benefits, 401k, tuition reimbursement...but most importantly, moar money for systems!! I already sent my KX800.4 out for repair, bought a Clarion EQ, and am going to buy some comps for my front doors, amongst other goodies. I'm excited to finally be doing something productive with my life, and I know that I am blessed to be making as much money as I am being 19 just out of high school :yahoo:


    I'm back, with a kickass job. Expect buildlog updates soon!

  3. sundown 100.4 = the best 4ch amp ever made the crossover is unbelievable and it has plenty of power to power any combination of speakers im using 2 of them to power 4 tweets 4 6.5" and 2 8"

    Ummm...what? :bull: :bull:

    OP, no to the soundstorm, sure to the MB. From what I've heard their amps are decent.

    Might be worth mentioning what speakers you have though.

  4. Looks good man but who skates any more

    most mods like that require the LEDs to be removed and new ones soldered in. some with an additional resistor in them. need to know how to solder electrical boards, which isn't too hard. also getting to the parts. i'd recommend getting some junkyard ones if you can and practicing on them first

    Yes and no.

    Some cars use colored lights for the dash lights, some (like my car) used a colored filter. Only way to change the color is remove the filter, which in most cases, is built into the overlay. Thus, you have to either find a way to get a new one made (if that's even possible) find one on ebay somewhere, or look for other platforms with the same cluster, but different overlays (which is what I did.) Just gotta do some research.

    Honestly though, if it's an older car, get a junkyard cluster for like $30-50, crack 'er open, and give it a shot. Worst comes to worst, you muck something up, put it back together, and take it back and say "hey it don't fuggin work!"

  5. Um...I would just get a tune. Much less headache and plus then you can get other tuning done for more power while you're at it.

    You're also gonna need to figure out pedals, clutch master cylinder and reservoir, find some way to make the manual NSS work (IIRC it's not in the shifter it's in the trans) and maybe even modify the trans tunnel.

    As for just leaving the stock shifter in neutral, besides what I mentioned about the neutral safety switch, then you wouldn't be able to remove the key I believe (mine can only be pulled in park, not neutral.)

  6. It will work in the cavalier u just need to rewire everything check out jbody.org. if its a 3.8 supercharged it might be out of a Thunderbird supercoupe that was a common swap since I think it bolts right up.

    its outta the gtp. and ive been talking to ppl on therangerstation.com and found out there are 4x4 trannys that will bolt to it. so its going in and im gonna do some mods on it first. underdrive pulleys better pulley for the supercharger heads and a mild cam. its gonna scream.

    If you do UDP it will also underdrive the blower.

    I would concentrate on breathing first and foremost. If you're using the GTP PCM it will pull timing like mad even totally stock. You will want headers for sure, a cold-air intake for sure, and then think about dropping a pulley size.

    Also while you have the motor out make sure to change the lower intake mani gaskets. The dex-cool GM used in these cars eats the shit out of them. Spend the extra coin for the aluminum ones so you can forget them for the life of the car.

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