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Posts posted by Nirvalica

  1. My friend burned up a Alpine SWR-1222 and just gave it to me. I took it apart just to look at it. The coil is shot, but I want to know if there is any way I can get a new coil for it. I know it'll probably be real hard to build my own. What can I do to bring this back to life? It would be cool to just have around for fun.

  2. Dude, get real.. I'm sure in a huge box with low tuning these subs will be really happy off 1500w. Not everyone is going to have a setup that requires 6600 watts to make it happy......

    I'm not saying it wouldn't work. But what would be the point of giving a sub a fraction of it's intended power? Especially for the price it will likely cost. Keep in mind he said he wanted two to go in the corner of his room. Two off of 1500w in a room just sounds like a bad idea.

  3. How much do you think they would be happy to run on?

    I can get about 1500w worth of amp @ 4ohm.

    And they can't be too expensive. Killer will be the amp, i think..

    They will probably be real expensive. Especially to shit [EDIT: I meant ship] to australia. Plus, he said on the video that the subs can take 20x the 200 watts he was feeding it. That means 4000 watts rms. Also say he will power with a Fosgate 2500.1 for each coil putting out 3300 watts per coil. Thats 6600 a sub... Conflicting info, but still more then 1500w

  4. Hey steve,

    I asked on youtube about how much the shipping would be to Australia, and you said that they'll be available worldwide..

    The problem is, i cannot find anywhere in Aus that sell AA gear. Like, nothing..not even a mention.

    Called up a few local stores, and they have no idea..

    So, my question is, do you know if they will ship your signed ones to Australia?

    Also, will they only be available in .7? or will there be other versions.. 1.4, maybe?

    I've been thinking about it for a while, and i figure now might be the time..

    To put 2x of these monsters in a big-ass box in my room. Take up a corner.

    Lastly, i would like to say congrats man. It's gotta feel good having a line of top-quality gear named after you, and i can only imagine how well these things will sell once people start to hear about them.



    I think AA only sells online.... But I have a feeling this woofer will cost too much and require too much power for you to put a pair in your room...
  5. This happened the other day. Some douche bag tried to pass me on the outside a single lane road (nearly hopping the curb just to go a few mph faster...). I saw him and decided to sweve(safely i might add) in front of him a little to block him from passing me. I don't think he liked that. He then followed me for a while. He looked like he was probably in his 30's or 40's, so it didn't make sense to me that he decided to follow me to my school. He looked real creepy too. I just turned my bass real loud so everyone was looking at me. He didn't follow me after that... Also made sure he couldn't possibly have seen where I parked.

    I could have just been paranoid though and he was actually just going to the same school I go to (community college)

  6. from what i heard, you can use the phase knob to adjust where you want the bass to "come from". instead of having the bass seem like its coming from behind you, you can turn the knob to make it seem like the sub is right where your sitting...idk how to describe it...or describe what ive read

    I've read that too, but I don't know how. It would have to be some type of time delay...

    And 95_100, I don't think it does that, although it would make more sense if it did. I have mine set at 180, but I'm pretty sure the sub still goes out when a kick drum hits, which means it hasn't inverted the polarity.

  7. I have a SAZ-1000d and it has a phase knob. I don't know exactly what it does. It would make sense that with the phase knob turned to 180 degrees, the sub would act as if the + and - cables were switched. I'm pretty sure it doesn't do that though... So what does it actually do? Is it more of a phase shift? But that would have to be dependent on time, or somehow be able to detect the frequencies playing to correctly shift them between 0 and 180 degrees. I do know it seems like my bass might be a little quieter when turned to 180, but it also sounds like it blends better with the front speakers, so I keep it at that.

  8. I don't know anything about all thread or how strong it is. What I do know is that even if it feels weak to you, you have to remember that is only one of 4 rods that will support the amps, and not only that, but the amps themselves will act as braces. It'll work like scaffolding. I wouldn't worry at all. Try it out and see. If you determine it is too weak after you try, then you should worry about another way of doing it.

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